Mano y Mano

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Prince's POV

"Are you okay?", I ask her as she adjusts her clothes. She doesn't respond. Her face holds a fierce stare as she looks at the door. I put my hand on her shoulder and look in her eyes but she doesn't respond. She looks passed my gaze and continues to let her blood boil. I rub her shoulder but this time she jerks away from me.

"Don't touch me. I'm gone." She spits turning away. I watch as Desirée walks towards the other door. My heart sighs as she disappears into Paisley Park.

I turn around and am startled to find several pairs of eyes looking at me. In all my emotions I forgot we were in the midst of rehearsal. Andre walks up to me with a concerned look on his face.

"Why don't you dismiss everyone so we can talk? Brother to brother." I nod and give everyone the okay to pack up. Once everyone's left I find Ronnie and ask him to find her and take her to my room. Then, we walk to the living room and have a seat.

"So what's with her, P? And why Jerome say all that stuff about her?"

"You don't know the story? You never went to the Golden Garter with Morris?"

"Nah. You know my girl would never let that happen. Especially with all the rumors about that place spreading." We chuckle thinking about his girlfriend, Tatiana. "Tell me what's up."

"She was a stripper there and the rumors are true. The owner, her boyfriend, started selling drugs and decided to pimp out the girls who worked there to boost his profits. A lot of the original girls got away but Desirée was the star of his show and couldn't escape. Morris was a frequent customer of hers. He tried to get as many of the guys he could to try her out." I scratch my neck nervously. Admitting these things about the woman I love hurt but it's her truth and I have to accept it.

"So what you participated, got guilty and brought her home?" I shake my head.

"Nah. They would do this thing once a month where he'd auction all the girls off for a whole night. Morris was always her highest bidder and he decided to gift her to me when I was struggling to meet my deadline." Andre looks at me in disbelief. I know I've been pretty promiscuous in the past but this time I wasn't. "I talked to her and she told me her story. I didn't believe her but she showed me her bruises."


"He beat her too. She says it was all the crack he was on. Made him violent. She was standing in front of me, naked, covered head to toe in bruises and cuts and scars but she was still the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

"Why is she here now and not back with her boyfriend?"

"I paid Morris to pay him off. Morris told him she ran away and I paid the fee he wanted for losing her."

"That's messed you man." His face is riddled with disgust. I don't blame him. We sit in silent reflection for a moment. "So what's this gotta do with, Jerome?"

"I don't know. She won't tell me. Seems bad though."

"Other than knowing Jerome and paying off the boyfriend, how are you involved?" I sigh and shake my head. "Please tell me you didn't."

"I did but it was long after everything had happened. She's been staying here for almost two months. I've been taking care of her. I helped her give up drugs and get her confidence back. I care about her, man. I wanna make sure she's alright."

"You love her don't you?"

"I do." I smile to myself as I fiddle with my hands. "It's different than any other girl. She doesn't fall all over me. Hell, sometimes I swear she hates me but no matter what I want to protect her with everything I have. I've written songs about her. I have a whole album worth in the vault. I don't know, Andre. There's something about her." I look up from my hands and she him nodding his head.

"You better take care of her then. If you need me I got you. This is a lot to handle by yourself."

"Thanks. I'll let you know." He pats me on the back and we stand from the couch.

"You know where she is?"

"She's probably in my room. I'm gonna go check on her."

"Alright, man. Call me in the morning." I nod and we go our separate ways.

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