Stop the Music

160 13 5

Prince's POV

It's been several days since the first time I made love to Desirée and I can honestly say I do love her but in a different way. This is a love I've never felt before. The kind of love that makes you want to protect something at all costs. Some may say it's the kind of love that makes you stupid and careless but it doesn't matter to me because as long as I have her I'm happy. It's too bad she doesn't understand what I feel. Her view of love and sex is skewed and the more I try to prove it to her the more she pushes me away. Or tries to anyway. I'm irresistible to her. I make her feel things she's never felt but she doesn't know that it's because of love. She thinks I'm just good at sex. She's right but there's more to it than that. There's feeling behind what we do. Even now as I look at her through the mirror my heart begs for her understanding. I just wish she would get it.

"Aren't you gonna get ready?"

"R-ready for what?", I stammer watching her change.

"Didn't you say the band was coming over so I could audition?"

"Aud- what?" She turns to face me and glares at me angrily.

"Stop staring at my ass and pay attention!"

"I'm sorry! You're just so beautiful."

"Well, close your eyes so we can have a conversation." I cover my eyes with an open hand and smile. "No peeking. I can see you dumbass." I sigh in defeat and close my eyes for real.

"What were you saying?"

"You told me the band was coming over at 12 so I could audition to be a dancer."

"Yea and?"

"Príncipe, it 11:56." I open my eyes in shock and run to the nearest clock. "Don't worry I laid out your clothes. They're in the chair." I quickly throw on the clothes she laid out for me stumbling everywhere. "Good thing we already showered, huh?" She winks as I struggle to button my shirt.

"Keep it up and they gonna walk in on more than an audition." She rolls her eyes and walks out the door.

"I'll see you downstairs. I'm gonna go warm up." I nod buttoning my pants and watching her walk away. I throw on my jewelry and as if on queue Ronnie appears.

"The bands here sir."

"Thanks, Ronnie." I begin to make my way to the door.

"Uh sir. I think you forgot something." He points at the ground and I look down to see my bare feet.

"Shit, I forgot shoes. Show them to the practice room. I'll be down in a sec."

I rush to the room and nearly everyone is staring to the corner. As expected, they're all watching her warm up. Everyone except Wendy and Lisa who have started talking to her. I walk in and am immediately pulled to the side by Jerome.

"Ain't that the babe from The Golden Garter?" I sigh. I can't believe I never realized how much of a dog he is.

"Yes, but she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore. She's a good dancer and I want y'all's opinion." His eyes never leave her as she pulls her leg to her head. Most of the guys stare in awe at her flexibility. Angrily I decided to address the group. "Okay, that's enough. Desirée is here as a potential addition to The Revolution. She's not here to be y'all's eye candy. Treat her with respect or leave. Now, everybody grab a setlist and start setting up." I walk away and grab Wendy and Lisa. "Thanks for keeping her company."

"No problem. She's pretty cool. I just don't get what all the fuss is about."

"It's a long story." We walk back to the rest of the band and start tuning our instruments and running the set list. "Parade is doing pretty good right now and we have a couple concerts to prepare for. The show opens with Venus De Milo and will end with Kiss. I really want the songs to escalate. We gotta build the energy in the room. It'll start with me sitting at the piano with a single spotlight and grow from there."

"Where does she come in?" Jerome asks pointing to Desirée.

"She would come in during the third song." They all look down at their set lists.

"Really, you wanna waste that body on a song like Sometimes It Snows in April?"Wendy and Lisa shoot him a dirty look. While Miko hits him in the shoulder.

"She's more than a body, Jerome. She's a great dancer. She'll offer something visual during this slow song."

"I've seen her dance, cousin and trust me I know how great her visual is. I'm just saying her skills could be used better." I grit my teeth in an attempt to keep it professional and not hurt this fool.

"Desirée," she looks up from her stretch. "Let's show them what we've been working on." I sit at the piano and count in the rest of the band. Watching her closely from the piano. Adjusting my mic I begin to sing my opening adlibs. I smile at Desirée assuring her that everything will be okay. She nods and begins her routine. Her graceful movements fill me with joy as she performs around the piano. I see the familiar gleam in her eyes as the music carries her body. I belt the bridge and watch as she throws herself through the air. Her turns are sharp and executed perfectly. Her body sways gently as the song comes to an end and she finds her finishing pose. Once the music ends she stands at attention as if waiting to be judged.

Desirée's POV

I wait patiently for someone to say something. I look to Prince as he stands from the piano and finds his place between me and the rest of the band. "You did amazing. That's the best you've ever done." I nod and mutter a thank you and glance at the band. Lisa, Miko and Mr. Fink all voice their enjoyment of my performance. I give them the same nod and look to the other members.

"I like it but I feel like the ending should be a little softer, ya know? I think it'll blend with the music better." Wendy offers. I nod and take note of some of the changes I could make. My thoughts are interrupted by Jerome.

"I still think you're letting her talents go to waste. I mean she's good but this just isn't her forte." Prince adjusts his stance, about to respond but I cut him off.

"I'll have you know I am classical trained in ballet, jazz and tap and home trained in salsa, bachata, and merengue. This is my forte and has been since I was 7.

"Oh pipe down. You know where you belong."

"As a trained dancer, I belong on the stage."

"Sure, as long as there's a pole in the middle." I reach across the piano and allow my hand to make clear contact with his face. The slap echoes across the room but I am immediately met with two hands gripping my top and hoisting me in the air.

Prince's POV

"Face it you're only as valuable as the tips you make in a night." My eyes go wide as Jerome hold Desirée up by her clothes. Wendy and I get her down while Miko and Andre restrain him.

"Didn't know you thought so little of your own paychecks." She screams from across the room. Jerome breaks free and begins to leave.

"I'm outta here but when you realize the type of broad you're working with you'lol send her back to the streets where she belongs."

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