Side Effects

182 11 3

Prince's POV

I carried her to my bed that night and she continued to cry. Silent tears fell as her body shivered from withdrawal. Wrapped in my arms she eventually fell asleep but I refused to do the same. She needed me and I wanted to be there if she woke up. The nightmares persisted for the next two nights but we found that cold rags helped with that and the night sweats. When she was awake we talked and shared meals in bed. She never ate much but she did try. Moments like now, when she's asleep, I just hum and plan our songs in my head.

Her head is resting gently on my chest. I keep one arm around her my hand resting on her back while I trace circles around the different city names on the shirt. Every now and then she'll move and I get a good look at her face but only for a few seconds. Those moments are my favorite. She's gorgeous. Gorgeous in a way I've never seen before. Her eyes flutter open and she looks up at me.

"How long was I out this time?"she says hoarsely.

"A couple hours. How do you feel?" I move her hair from her face and look into the milk chocolate eyes that haven't left my mind since she's fallen asleep.


"Sick how?"

"Think about the worst stomach bug you've ever had."

"Do you need anything?"

"Just some water." I hand her a water bottle Ronnie brought in earlier. She sits up to drink from it taking long slow gulps. She takes a deep breath and stands up walking towards the bathroom. Once she's in there she has a seat in the floor.

"What're you doing?"

"Waiting for it to happen because once I start I won't be able to run in here."

"That's fair." I grab a few pillows and the water and join her on the floor. It's been cleaned up since the last time she was in here. I feel bad for my maid who will have to clean up the remnants of whatever is about to happen. I watch as Desirée begins to braid her hair back but she never finishes. She throws her head into the toilet and begins to vomit violently. She puts her hand back handing me a hair tie and continues to throw up. I gently put her hair into a ponytail and rub her back hoping to provide some comfort.

When she stops she pulls her head up from the toilet and sighs. She gets up slowly and stands at the sink. I offer her a wash cloth and her toothbrush and give her time to freshen up. She points to the water bottle and I hand it to her. She thanks me and downs what's left in a few big gulps.

"Better?" She nods.


DesireTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang