One Night Only

224 14 1

Desire POV

We've all done our sets and the night's auction has begun. Once a month Tony shuts down the club for a night and auctions off all of the girls. Each girl goes to the highest bidder and spends an entire night with them.

These nights are all the same. Morris is always my highest bidder. He takes me to dinner, buys me all the drinks I want, and I give him the best pussy he's ever had. I step up to the platform and wait. Hands shoot up, Morris names the highest number and saunters to the stage to claim his prize.

"Come on, Stella. You're doing something different tonight."

"How different?" I climb in his car and we start driving.

"I didn't get you for me this time. I got you for Prince."

"What does he want with me?"

"I'm surprising him. Somethings got him in a slump. Thought he could use a pick me up."

"So you got him a prostitute?"

"I just thought I'd do him a favor."
We pull up to a gate, Morris speaks into the call box and it opens slowly. We pull up to giant white building. "Alright lets go."

We walk into the building, go up an elevator. Morris leaves me in what I could only assume is Prince's bedroom and disappears. I strip down and climb in the bed, draping the orange satin sheets over my bare skin.

"Alright. Alright. I'll take a look and call you in the morning. Bye, Morris."

There's a long pause. The elevator makes a sound and I hear a car drive of in the distance. The large doors open slowly. I gaze in their direction as Prince comes into view.

"Hello, handsome. My name is Desire and I'm here to help you achieve yours."

"Unless you can finish this song by my deadline you can't help me."

"I'm sure you have more desires in life than to finish a song. What are the desires of your flesh?"

"I'd honestly just like to go to bed."

"Come join me."

"I'd rather not."

"You have me all night. Morris paid $10,000 for me to be here and he won't be back to pick me up until tomorrow morning. So, I suggest you come and get his money's worth."

"What are you? What do I do?"

"Whatever you need and whatever you want. Don't be shy." He smirks at my comment.

"Stand up. Let me see you." I climb out of bed and stand up tall. "Come with me."

We walk into what appears to be a studio. He grabs an electric guitar and starts hooking it up. I watch as he glares at me. His eyes focused on mine. He begins to play. His eyes never leave mine. The music is as erratic as his facial expressions. His eyes shut as he lets out a cry of pure emotion. He takes deep breath than stops.

I can't help but stare. He pulls me back to the bedroom and closes the door. I stand in pure shock. I've never seen someone act like that playing guitar. It was erotic. It was pure sex.

"Did you like what you saw?" He smirks looking up at me from the bed. I blink rapidly realizing I've been standing in place for way too long.

"I've just...never seen anything like that before."

"That's what euphoria looks like."

"I've never felt that and don't know anyone else who has."

"Want me to show you?" I nod. He stands from the bed and walks over to me. He holds my hand and has me take his place in the bed. "Close your eyes" I do as I'm told and wait. The bed shifts. I wait for the familiar feeling of my legs being parted but it doesn't come. All I feel is faint pressure on my chest and stomach.

"Take a deep breath." I inhale deeply feeling his hand press slightly on my stomach. "Now take a shallow breath." I inhale again this time keeping the breath high. His hand presses on my chest. "Now keep breathing alternating between the two."

I lie still just breathing.

Deep. Shallow. Deep. Shallow.

"How do you feel?"

"I feel..calm."

"Good, now tell me. What's a pretty girl like you doing in a job like this?"

"Just trying to get by."

"Don't you want more than to just get by?"

"It's all I can do." His arm moves and touches my arm. I wince in pain as he puts pressure on a fresh bruise. He lifts his hand and the energy in the room change.

"What happened?" Without looking I tell him the truth.

"My boyfriend. He doesn't like when I say no to customers."


"Yea." He slowly puts the pieces together and he sighs.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. You didn't do anything."

"I know but you must be hurting."

"Nothing three Tylenol and a bottle of whiskey never solved."

"But you're bruised."

"I'm covered in 'em. I just didn't cover that one in make up."

"Show me."


"Show me your bruises." I stand up and reach into my bag. I grab a baby wipe and remove the makeup covering my arms, chest, face, stomach, and legs.

Prince's POV

I watch as she removed the make up. Her body is covered in purple bruises and light scars. Her eyes become glassy as she looks back at me.

"If I make him mad while he's high he throws things. That's where most of the scars are from."

I can't help but examine her. She's gorgeous bruises and all. They adorn her like blossoms on a tree. Then I look at he face and notice the pain in her eyes.

"Talk to me. What are you thinking?"

"He only gets worse. Soon, I will be dead from drugs or his abuse. Either way it'll be because of him and he will have won. When I leave this place tomorrow there's no guarantee how many more days I have left. He will beat me as soon as I enter the door, have his way and go on with his life and I will wake up in time to shake my ass and spread my legs. It'll never end."


"How do you know my name?"

"Morris brought me to the club one night and paid for you to give me a private dance. You kissed me and told me how awful everything was and before I could offer to help you were whisked away."

"Help how?"

"Don't leave tomorrow. Stay with me, Desirée."

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