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It's been several weeks since Prince asked Desirée to stay with her and the tension continues to grow. Unable to fight her nature Desirée teases him every chance she gets. She knows he can't take it and enjoys seeing him frustrated. She's always liked making men squirm. It made her feel powerful. To get a presence as dominant as his to bend to her charm would make her feel unstoppable.

Prince hated this game. It troubled him in ways he refuses to admit out loud. He can't tell if he wants her because of who she is, what she's done, or what he knows he can do to her. All he knows is it driving him insane.

"Can we please go do something? I'm tired of sitting in this house." Desirée whines staring at her breakfast.

"Would you like to eat breakfast outside this morning?" Prince smirks at her looking over his newspaper. She rolls her eyes in frustration and picks at her omelette.

"You know what I mean. If I wanted to go back to being on personalized house arrest I would've stayed with Tony."

"You lived in a crack house and got beaten on everyday. Is this really that bad?" She gives him a taken aback look caught off guard by his abruptness. He was right and they both knew it but it hurt her to hear him say it.

"At least I had a car, and cash, and friends I could visit. Now, I'm hiding away in your room all hours of the day trying to avoid old clientele." Prince felt uneasy knowing that a lot of the people he knew had slept with her. Prostitution itself made him uneasy. Sex was for pleasure not profit. Something that brought two people closer not a get rich quick scheme.

"Don't call them that." He growled.

"It's not my fault all of The Time wanted to experience this pussy. You work with them. Don't you know the kind of company you keep?" Her wit and vulgarity had always upset him. He never knew a woman who cursed as much as he did. He couldn't tell if he was jealous or intrigued. All he knew is that he wished she would stop.

"This ain't about me, damn it. This is about the fact that you snuck out and came back drunk."

"If you don't want me to drink hide your liquor better and I left to get a snack from the store down the street."

"You still left without telling me." He said disregarding the first part of her statement.

"Oooh, I disobeyed Daddy. Does that mean I'm grounded?" She couldn't help but mock his fake authority. Who was he to tell her what she could and couldn't do?

"Keep talking and you'll get a whoopin?" She grabs his newspaper and folds it gently, smirking as he watched in angered shock.

"Don't threaten me with a good time." Her constant torment caused him a lot of agony. So many nights he dreamt of making her eat her words but he worried he'd be just like the others. He often tried to justify his feelings by telling himself he actually knew her in an attempt to make his attraction to her valid. With all of this tension he lost it. Suddenly he couldn't control himself. He grab her by the waist and pulled her into his lap. She let out a breathy gasp as his strong hands held her there.

"Look what you made me do." He mumbled in her ear. Her body quivered feeling his length growing beneath her. He slid the long shirt over her ass and massaged her thighs. His warm touch soothed her body in a way she hadn't felt in years. His hands roamed the contours of her body, caressing every inch of her gorgeous body.

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