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I was awaken with banging on the door.

Not the best way to wake up by if you ask me, especially with a hungover.

I forced myself out of the bed since they kept banging. "Alright! I get it!" I said and opened the door to see Spencer.

"What happened to you last night?" He asked and I narrowed my eyes.

"I was kicked out of that damn club and my phone was dead so I couldn't call you." I explained and he chuckled. "What'd you do?"

"I got in a fight with this asshole since he called me some names."

"Nice." He said and let himself in.

"Why are you not hungover?"

"Oh, I didn't drink much. I know my limit to not get a hungover and still have a good time." He said and I hummed.

"What time is it?"

"11:30am I think."

"Okay, I'm gonna get ready so we can go eat." I said and he nodded.

"Alright, need help?"

"Nope." I said and he smirked.

It's no secret that he wants to have sex with me but I always deny him. He's my friend, I don't want to ruin things and he knows that but he likes to joke around at times.

I was done in about 30 minutes and made sure to dry my hair. "Dude, we're just gonna go eat, we're not meeting Oprah." Spencer joked and I rolled my eyes.

"Let's go, I found this new place last night." I said and we got in my car.

"It better be good."

We got to the coffee shop and Spencer narrowed his eyes. "A coffee shop? You must be joking." He said and I shook my head walking in and seeing Brendon by the counter charging a customer.

"He's cute." Spencer said and I nodded.

"I called dibs already." I said and he hummed.

"I see now, let's sit." He said and we sat down at a table next to the window. I didn't see many people here. Maybe it's not busy this time around. Brendon walked over and put down menus.

"Welcome to Urie's Coffee Shop. What would you like to drink?" He asked and I kept my eyes on him.

I didn't get that good of a look last night but he's even better now. His hair looks so soft, his eyes are dark brown, thanks to the sun for letting me see them correctly. His skin was vibrant, it seemed just as soft as his hair.

"Ryan!" Spencer said and kicked my leg.

"Ow! Dude, that fuck –" I stopped myself and rubbed my leg. He kicked my bone area.

"What?" I asked and Brendon chuckled.

"To drink, what would you like to drink?"

"Oh, um, Pepsi." I said and he nodded writing it down.

"I'll be back to take your orders." He said and left.

"That's so embarrassing." Spencer said looking through the menu. I kicked his leg and he groaned.

"You kicked my bone."

"All of you is bone, you idiot. And you were getting creepy there." He said and I sighed.

"Sorry, I just didn't get a good look last night."

"You were here last night?"

"Yeah." I said and opened the menu.

Urie's Diner [Ryden AU]Where stories live. Discover now