Chapter 4

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       Scarpaw hesitated in front of the Half-Tree. SnowStar's den layed just behind, formed from ancient rocks and stones to create the cave where he resided. Even though she had been inside many times before, the gaping darkness from the overhanging rocks still intimidated her. Snowstar must have smelled her presence, because she heard his meow signaling her from inside, interrupting her thoughts. Scarpaw gulped, then padded around to the back. Strings of lichen hung around the cave, and she pushed her way cautiously inside. The floor dipped down to make a cozy living space. Snowstar layed near the back, his tail curled neatly around his paws. His eyes were tired, but thoughtful- aged by many moons of hard work and nasty battles. Scarpaw bowed her head, her neck fur rising in anticipation.

      "Snowstar? Did you need me?" He flicked his tail towards a sandy spot close to where he was laying. 

      "Please, sit." Scarpaw slowly lowered herself onto the soft soil. SnowStar's white fur was matted, as if he hadn't groomed it in moons. Scarpaw winced at how weak her leader looked in the sheltering darkness of his own den, never before realizing his age.

      Snowstar noticed her reaction and let out a deep sigh. "Scarpaw, you must listen. In no way do I doubt your loyalty to this clan. I have raised you here, and watched how you learn; and I believe that you are truly a RainClan cat." His icy eyes flashed suddently. "But, my vision is worrying me. As the leader of this clan, I must take procautions. Instead of where you usually train, near the river, you will now train near the mud-hollow on the opposite side of our territory." Scarpaw's eyes widened. He was changing her training grounds because the river was closest to MapleClan; he was worried about her visiting her home-clan!

        Scarpaw was stunned, but she held her toungue. SnowStar searched her face. His icy stare peirced her heart; this cat had practically raised her. Was he now skeptical of her loyalty to his clan, too? Scarpaw took a deep breath, then nodded. Snowstar flicked his ears. 

      "I have already notified StormSpirit. Oh, and he told me of your assesment. I'm interested in how much you've improved these last few moons; maybe I will asses you sometime aswell." This brightened Scarpaw's spirits slightly. The idea of her great leader seeking intrest in her training made her glow with pride. 

      "Thank you, Snowstar. I would love that." Snowstar leaned over and licked her in-between her ears as a sign of affection. Scarpaw purred and pushed closer to his fluffy coat. He almost felt like a father.

       Father. Painful memories of her kit-hood shot through her like a thorn. Scarpaw pulled away, looking into his eyes again. He lifted his chin. 

      "Do not take this personally, Scarpaw. You must understand that these are dark times for our clan. We had a harsh leaf-bare, and we face a large threat of invasion from ThornClan after assisting MapleClan during their attack. We must be careful, and listen to the messages StarClan gives us. Do you understand?" Scarpaw nodded, dazed with wonder and confusion. She had no idea ThornClan would still be angry about that, when it happened so many moons ago. But she understood. He had to do whatever he could to protect his clan.

      Snowstar stood, looking down on the young apprentice. She shook her head to clear the thoughts clouding up. "Thank you, Scarpaw. That is all. You should go; I believe Stormspirit is waiting for you." Scarpaw blinked. Maybe he had news of their next training session?
With one last flick of her tail, Scarpaw left the den, turning back into the camp clearing. The sun was starting to set on the trees, casting a heavy red hue on the entire camp, and the evening patrol then came bursting through the camp entrance, Stormspirit among them. The cats padded into camp, tattered and bloody. They had cuts and patches of fur missing from various wounds. Stormspirit had one eye closed, with blood dripping down his cheek. Scarpaw stood, watching in horror, as other cats emerged from their dens to face the same shocking sight.

        Snowstar also emerged from his den to welcome the patrol, but his ears flattened and his eyes grew wide when he saw his warriors. Suntail, the leader of the patrol, limped forward. She had a gash down her side; not life threatening, but bloody. 

      "What has happened?" Snowstar yowled. Suntail looked into his eyes, her sides heaving. 

      "ThornClan cats... Met them on our border, near the Great Lake." Snowstar thrashed his tail angerly back and forth. 

      "ThornClan? On our border?" He seemed lost in thought for a moment, then snapped back to reality.

      "Webear! Hurry, we have injured warriors!" In a moment, the clan medicine cat sprinted from her den, surrounded with nettles and bramble near the Half-Tree, towards the patrol. Her shiny black coat stood on end, as the rest of the clan started milling out from their dens. Webear looked around at the cats, then nodded to herself. 

      "Quickly, come to my den! I can heal these wounds. Quickly!" The patrol slowly made their way to Webear's den, looking defeated and exhausted. Tension hung in the air as everyone was anxious to hear what had happened, but their questions would have to wait. The patrol of warriors was badly injured. Scarpaw looked across the camp to see Sparkpaw looking at her, deep worry on his face. His mentor, Pepperpelt, was among the warriors as well. But what worried Scarpaw the most was what Snowstar had told her in his den. Was this ThornClan's sign that they were planning to attack their camp?

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