Chapter 5

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Back to third person
Since Harry and Draco became friends they've been hanging out after hanging out with their other friends. They didn't tell anyone because they would get questions like "Why?" "Aren't you guys enemies?" They mostly hung out at night by the lake with the giant squid. The boys talked about school and boring stuff like that. They actually got along pretty well. One day they were skipping rocks when Draco brought something up.
"My parents want me to become a death eater."
Harry dropped his rock in the lake. It made a plop.
"What? Why?!"
"They want me to uphold our legacy. It's not like I want to do it."
"Then what are you going to do?" Harry asked. There was a long pause. Draco picked up his rock. "I don't know." Draco simply said before he skipped his rock six times.

At dinner, Harry ate quickly and put his head down. He hoped Draco didn't become a death eater because he loved him. Harry wanted to stay with Draco. He was the person that made him happy to be with. But he couldn't. Draco's not gay. Harry thought. Besides, he'd never want someone like me. Harry cried a little bit silently. He wiped his eyes and got up from the table. "Harry what's wrong?" Hermione asked. "Nothing I think im just tired. Im going to bed." Harry replied. Harry then left the great hall.
Ron's POV
       Harry got up and left the table. I sighed. He's so moody and stuff lately. I put down my utensils and grabbed my bag. "Where are you going?!" Hermione asked. "I'm tired of this. Harry is my best friend! We haven't seen him for like a month! I'm going to go find him." I say and exit the great hall. I'm not even halfway there when Hermione runs up to me. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Oh come off it, do you really think I would let you go alone? I care about Harry too." Hermione said. I nod my head. "Ok let's go." I say. We started to look for Harry. Luckily for us, Harry was still walking to Griffindor tower. We followed him inside and he went into the bathroom. Of course we didn't follow him in there. We just waited in the doorway of the boys dormitory. He ended up being in there for like 30 minutes and Hermione was tired. "Look Ron, I care about Harry, and I would stay here forever, but I am tired. Let's just go to bed and call it a night." "I guess." I say. I say bye to her and go lay in bed. There is something wrong with Harry and I need to find out.

Yeah this is kind of short. Sorry

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