Chapter 10

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Third person, Saturday
I apologize if this chapter is not as good as the other ones I'm having a hard time writing this chapter.
     "It's been 2 days where is he?" Hermione asked. They had been looking around the whole castle for Harry. Even Hermione volunteered to miss classes. The group had no luck finding him. He had just stopped coming to meals and classes at all. "This is a lot harder because he has an invisibility cloak." Ron said. "Yeah a lot harder." Hermione said. "We have to stop him from killing himself!"

But they couldn't find him at all. They went around the whole school again. Even in Hogsmade. They stopped looking at 8:00pm when Draco remembered something. "Wait.. Oh no." Draco said. "What?" Hermione asked. "It's Saturday." Draco said. "What's your poi-" but then Hermione realized. "Oh no." "Would you stop and just tell us?!" Ron asked. "We have to go to the astronomy tower!" Hermione exclaimed. They run up to the tower to see Harry standing on the window. Pansy and Hermione had run down and Draco and Ron ran up. "Harry no stop! Don't jump!" Ron said. But Harry ignored him and started to fall.

I made it short for the suspense.

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