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Chloe remembered her first party very well. The air was fresh, there was a beautiful sunset over the lake, the music was halfway decent, and the awkward teens around her, seemed to be having a good time. She remembers that she had felt nervous about attending. She thought that if her father found out, she wouldn't see daylight for a month. Aubrey said it was time to grow up though, to go to a party like everyone else. Chloe always thought Aubrey was the smarter of the both of them, so she listened and went with her best friend.

The party was spent on a warm summer evening, one week before freshman year at school would start. Two life changing events had happened that night for fourteen year old Chloe, thinking back now, is almost like a trigger. The conversations she had continue to play through her head, even today. She knows she shouldn't dwell on the events of that night, but her thoughts always go back to that dark place. She feels like she has to think about it, to think of what she could've done to change things.

The kiss she shared with Hunter Pierce that night, was awkward, and graceless, and sadly her first. She thought he was cute, sweet, and a perfect boy to get her first kiss over with. Aubrey told her that the first kiss would be magical and she would feel wonderful afterwards. She thought these things too until right after the kiss, where Hunter shouted out to everyone at the party that he had "smacked with the hottest girl in school" and then proceeded to try to give Chloe more drunken kisses.

The slap to his face was the last time Chloe had ever associated with Hunter Pierce.

Sure, the party was a bummer then after having a disaster of a first kiss, but it only seemed to grow worse for Chloe.

She didn't know what was happening when she approached Beca that night, and the girl didn't smile back at Chloe like she always did. Chloe was beyond confused by the girl's glare and sudden anger towards her.

Beca's eyes were so full of something Chloe never wanted to see from the girl, it scared her to see how much rage had swelled in Beca's blue eyes. When Beca had told Chloe to fuck off before storming away, Chloe felt her heart break the slightest.

Chloe had been friends with Beca, she was somebody that Chloe felt a strong pull from since the moment they met. When Beca had moved into Aubrey's home at the beginning of the summer, Chloe instantly felt the need to become friends with her. Aubrey had been upset about her stepsister moving in, but Chloe pushed her to consider inviting Beca into their group of friends.

Beca had been angry with everyone though, pushing herself away from her father, Aubrey's mother, and her stepsister. Nobody could blame her though, her mother's recent death was tugging a heavy weight. Chloe was somehow able to make it pass the line of Beca's defense though, the girl slowly opening up to the perky redhead over the summer. Beca was shy around Chloe, but Chloe knew that Beca wanted her attention. Their friendship lasted that summer and that summer only.

Chloe had tried to understand what had happened the night of the party, but Beca continued to push her away with unfamiliar harsh words and resentment. Beca wouldn't give Chloe an answer to why the sudden upset feelings towards her, Beca just continued to stay angry.

So Chloe stopped trying to talk to the girl, even if it crushed her inside.

Chloe remembers that night more than others and it wasn't fair.

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