Chapter 12

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Sneaking out of a window seems to be a lot more difficult than Chloe initially thought on Sunday night, feeling a bruise already form on her thigh from crawling out of the metal edges of the frame. She never imagined how frightening the distance would be down to the ground either. Seeing it now as she sits on an edge of her roof, urges her to crawl right back to the safety of her room and call it a night. Beca is waiting though, parked somewhere down the street from her house. She doesn't want to miss the opportunity of meeting the girl's friends, or their first official date.

Okay, maybe it wasn't a 'date' per se.

Chloe just enjoys entertaining the thought.

At the wedding yesterday, Chloe had never felt as happy listening to the girl speak so genuinely with her. She feels like she can finally let herself indulge in Beca Mitchell, rather than just hope with caution. She could feel last night, that maybe there's finally an opportunity for them. Beca's opening up more and more, a confirmation of some feelings actually there.

So yes, Chloe would climb down the family tree to see the girl, even if it meant bruising herself up a bit. She knows if she called Beca right now, the girl would come running to help her. The brunette is reliable in that way. Chloe just doesn't want the girl to see her like this though, not approving of how pathetic she looks clinging onto the edges of the roof underneath her.

She finally builds up the courage to scale the tree, and reach out for the nearest branch. She climbs down it very cautiously, trying to make as little noise as possible. Her family is still awake in the house, considering it was only eight o' clock. She had faked sick and told her parents she was going to bed early, and being the honest daughter she is, they bought it. Normally being out late wouldn't bother them, but since the next day is a school day, she knew they wouldn't be happy with her staying out so late (especially if she was going to be drinking as well).

Besides, the whole thing is a bit exhilarating if she's being honest. She's never really rebelled in any way against her parents. She imagines she'd now finally be in the cool kids club she fabricated in her head as a young girl.

As her feet touch the ground, she sighs in relief. She wipes off her hands before patting down her shirt, happy to see she didn't cut up her clothes at all. She strides away from her home shortly, glancing back every now and then to make sure she won't be caught. The sun is almost lost, giving her a low light to walk with. The weather is a little windy, but perfect for the night as it erases the humidity.

When she turns down the sidewalk, a block away from her home, a grin spreads across her face as she spots Beca.

The girl leans against her car, arms folded over her chest. She wears an old tee with her leather jacket, her cut up jeans beneath. Her hair is down with her makeup heavy around her eyes, spitting the perfect image that represents Beca Mitchell. Chloe adores it when she's casual like this, loving the way Beca seems to be so comfortable with herself.

She picks up her pace as she makes her way towards the girl, seeing Beca finally notice her a second later. Beca's lips curve up then as she turns her body towards the redhead. Her arms unravel slowly, opening up herself.

Chloe doesn't know what compels her to do so, but she instantly kisses Beca when approaching her. Her hands cup the girl's face, pulling the girl's lips to her own. Beca hums into the kiss immediately, enfolding the redhead into her arms a second later. Chloe feels secure then, loving the way she feels Beca all around her. The brunette kisses her back just as fervently, keeping Chloe close to her for a long moment. When they release from the kiss, Beca's forehead stick's to Chloe's. Both of them breathing heavier than before.

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