Chapter 16

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Chloe had felt liberated as she walked through the halls at school on Monday morning, carrying a new sense of positivity to strut with. Her friends came quickly to congratulate her, along with some students she's never even met before. She could feel eyes on her all day, which made her a little apprehensive, but her mood was too high to even care much. She is surprised by the amount of enthusiasm though, never had she thought the student body would care about their competition as much as the other sports, like the football team's season. Yet, even some teachers approach her with many compliments. It's all a little overwhelming, but at least she has a whole team to share it with.

Her classes go by quickly the first half of the day, letting her walk to lunch with Jessica before no time. She wears Beca's leather jacket today, not feeling so nervous anymore to do so. Jessica had vaguely asked about it, wondering about the change in style. Chloe had just smiled and shrugged, knowing she needed to officially tell Aubrey first before anyone else. She owed that to her best friend.

Walking into the cafeteria, her eyes find her usual table with most of her squad. Aubrey sits there with Flo and Ashley, appearing to be lost in conversation. Chloe hesitates before walking over though, wondering if Beca is here yet. She looks over to the other side of the lunchroom, finding Beca's table quickly. It's not hard to find, not after picking up a habit of observing it everyday.

She knows Jessica is curious about her wavering, but Chloe can only smile at the sight in front of her.

Emily sits next to the brunette, laughing along with whatever Stacie had just said across from her. The girl uses her hands to convey half her words, continuing to make the freshman giggle. Beca sits back beside her, clearly amused with the story being told. Her eyes seem bright today, even from across the room.

Chloe remembers the first day of school this year, Beca had looked different then. She didn't seem as content or wholesome as she appears now. She displays her smile more, she seems put together, and simply just nourishing. Chloe can't say she knows what the girl was up to at the beginning of the year, she never felt right with asking; it's Beca's business. She knows the girl quit it though along the way, it's evident in her appearance now. Chloe can't say it was all her doing either though, that wouldn't feel right. Beca grew on her own, finally relining with herself. The girl Chloe always knew was still inside somewhere, it just took a little encouragement to get her out.

"I'll join you in a sec." Chloe turns back to Jessica with a smile, receiving an unclear but accepting nod in return. Chloe moves through the tables with her lunch bag in hand, making her way towards the other side of the cafeteria.

She approaches the loud table, placing her free hand on the girl's shoulder. Beca glances up then, surprised. Her eyes light up though as she takes Chloe in, a harmless smirk forming on her lips.

"Hey there." She gives a soft squeeze to the girl's shoulder, rubbing her thumb over the girl's exposed skin. Beca just continues to gaze at her, tracing her body before meeting her eyes again.

"Nice jacket Chloe." Stacie tells her from across the table, catching both of their attention. The girl has the biggest smirk on her lips as she crosses her arms accusingly.

Chloe grins back though, a slight blush forming on her cheeks. Emily's eyes follows to her jacket then, a confused little smile on her lips. The redhead meets Beca's eyes again before replying, "Thanks. It's my girlfriend's."

Stacie chuckles before nodding in acceptance, "Good to hear someone finally got their shit together."

Beca rolls her eyes at that, shaking her own head. Emily just stares with curious eyes, an enthusiastic grin developing over the girl's features. "Really?" She perks, glancing between Chloe and the shorter brunette. "I knew it."

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