Chapter 2

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Chloe takes a deep breath as she nods her head lightly, forcing a grin as she looks up from her clipboard, "Okay, ladies. That was good!"

"You're kidding right?" Aubrey steps beside her, glaring down at Chloe.

"Be. Nice." Chloe whispers to the blonde, keeping her smile in tact as she looks at the girls in front of her. All of them stare at her and Aubrey, hands on hips, most of them gasping for breath. "We will post the results on the bulletin board outside of the gym on Friday. First practice will be on the following Monday. Thank you."

The girls all nod, taking deep breaths as they all walk towards the locker rooms. Chloe and Aubrey give them small waves with fake grins as they file out of the gym.

"We're fucked." Aubrey sighs as she turns away, walking back towards their table.
"You can't think that way. Most of them just need to be whipped into shape, that's all." Chloe follows her, placing her clipboard down.

"Chloe, we can't win with those girls." Aubrey turns to her, hands on hips.

"We already have Jessica, Ashley, and Margaret." Chloe reminds her as she walks around the table, picking up the profiles. "And those two girls were really good, what were their names?"

Aubrey steps beside her, looking over the girl's shoulder as she rummages through the papers. "Aha, these two." She points down to two profiles, "Flo and Emily. Didn't you think they were good?"

"Yeah, I guess so." Aubrey shrugs.

"We're not fucked Aubs," Chloe folds her arms, leaning up against the table. "We'll just have to work a lot harder with these girls."

"You're right, we can do it...We're just in for a rough season though."

"I know, but we'll get through it." Chloe reassures the blonde, "Come on, let's pack up and go to Al's for a burger."

"Okay." Aubrey nods with a unsure smile.

The two pack up the table and their papers, leaving the empty school. They drive to the local diner in town, the place usually always packed with high school students. Chloe and Aubrey wave to a few friends before sitting down in a booth, ordering their usuals. Chloe feels better when Aubrey starts to calm down a bit, knowing that the girl stresses too much about cheerleading.

Their food comes quickly, both of them beginning to forget about tryouts for a while as they eat.

The first week of school had passed by quickly, Chloe adjusted to being back and she felt good about the upcoming year. She isn't going to let herself stress too much about the squad, whether they went to nationals or not, she at least will have gotten to be captain for a year. She knows what matters most, and that's if she gives her squad something to look forward to every week. That's why she loved cheerleading in first place, she got to be with a bunch of fun girls and work together on routines.

So yeah, if they didn't go to nationals, that would kind of suck. She wouldn't let it be the thing that ruins her senior year though.

Chloe likes being back at school though. She likes the social aspect, the learning, her classes. Well, she likes most of her classes. There's one in particular where she wants to pull her hair out ninety percent of the time. It's gotten better though, she started bringing her earbuds every time she had the class, so she could ignore the insufferable brunette by listening to some Taylor Swift. Beca had backed off when she noticed Chloe's solution to blocking out the girl. So Chloe felt a little bit better about Art, knowing she could at least get by for the year with muting the girl.

Behind Enemy Lines Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora