Chapter 10

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Chloe pulls back from Beca, her cheeks and neck burning as she gapes at the face behind the glass. Beca doesn't let go of her yet, her grip on Chloe's waist and expression both still, almost as if this weren't a big deal that someone had just caught them in such an intimate moment. There's a short moment of uncomfortable reserve and disbelief, letting Chloe's mind run rapidly about what move to make next.

"We're busy!" Beca suddenly shouts, making the redhead jump. She looks to the brunette with wide eyes, shocked by the girl's forwardness.

"Yeah, not anymore. Get out of the car." Mrs. Sanderson calls back shaking her head, as if she weren't surprised by Beca's bold outburst.

The shorter girl sighs then, finally unraveling her hands from around Chloe. They look at each other for a short moment, Beca's expression beaten. "Finish this later?"

"Yeah." Chloe nods, speaking softly.

Chloe follows the girl when she opens the door and gets out of the car, the redhead sliding awkwardly out of the backseat after her. She can still feel the immense blush on her skin, her heart continuing to pound quickly as she closes the door behind her. She pats her skirt down, watching as Beca prepares for the lecture.

Their art teacher walks around the car to meet them, wearing a Barden shirt with an authoritative glare and arms crossed. Chloe slowly steps behind Beca, hiding herself, the other girl still appearing nonchalant in her defeated steps. Chloe looks over the girl's shoulder, starting to think of every scenario that could make this moment even worse. Chloe can't ever remember getting in trouble before, it just wasn't in her to break the rules. What if her parents were called? She doesn't think they would like to learn about her sexual lifestyle like this.

"We were just having a little fun, that's all." Beca shrugs, playing the tension off with a small smirk.

"Yeah well, there's no having fun on school property." Mrs. Sanderson rolls her eyes, uncrossing her arms.

"You're right." Beca shrugs, her simper growing. "I never have fun at school."

"It's not what it looks like Ma'am." Chloe pipes up, making the brunette look back to her with an insulted expression. She awkwardly meets Beca's eyes, immediately regretting the attempted line. She didn't mean it like that.

"I don't care what it looks like Ms. Beale." The older woman tells them, catching their attention again. "I just care that it's not happening on school grounds...publicly I might add."

Chloe nods, feeling very small underneath her teacher's eyes. "You're not going to call our parents, are you?"

Beca rolls her eyes, stepping to the side to face the girl. "I have connections here, Mrs. S' and I are tight." She then turns to look back at her teacher with a smirk, "Right Jenifer?"

"I won't call your parents." Mrs. Sanderson ignores the brunette's statement, making Chloe blow out a puff of air in relief.

"Thank you." Chloe looks down, wishing the heat on her skin would subside already. She didn't understand how Beca was so cool with everything, did she not feel embarrassed about this?

"Don't you have some cheerleaders to manage?" Mrs. Sanderson then asks Chloe, making the girl nod shamefully. The woman then looks to Beca, a small sneer growing on her own lips. Sarcasm laces through her tone as she speaks again, "I just love how I'm the one who always finds you in the midst of trouble. It's quite the curse."

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