Chapter 14

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"You can have your own hotel room."

Beca stared at her father full of suspicion, twisting her lips – a small habit she had picked up from a certain redhead.

"No catch?"

"The only catch is getting you to come support your sister, thought you'd complain less if you didn't have to share a room with your snoring father." He jokes with a chuckle, letting it die down when Beca's face doesn't twitch.

"Fine." Beca nods, "I'll come along to watch Aubrey's stupid competition."

"Work on not calling it 'stupid' and you can order room service."

Beca sighs, "Deal."

Five hours is a long time, at least when you have to sit in a car. Beca found herself listening to her music, falling asleep, and thinking way too much in the backseat while the car moved. The drive to Jacksonville seemed to go on forever, exhausting her as she tries to block out her father's road puns with her headphones. You'd think a college professor would be more interested in things that weren't the license plate game.

She also attempts to avoid looking forward, her eyes always catching the Barden bus when she did. Chloe and Aubrey, and the rest of the peppy cheerleaders are on it, no doubt singing to whatever radio station they can reach. It makes her think about the redhead each time, it leaves her wondering what she's doing in that moment. Is she talking to Aubrey? Singing? Sleeping? Thinking about Beca?

She doesn't know why the curiosity is hitting her so hard along the trip, but she can't shake the feeling no matter how hard she tries.

The past week, she had been rather worried about Chloe. The girl was acting weird, but not the good kind of weird that Beca actually adores. Her personality was off, she was jumpy, quiet, would nervously laugh and brush it off every time Beca brought it up. Whatever is happening with her, Beca doesn't like it. She started to hope it was just the pressures of winning this competition that was shifting Chloe's mood. She can't tell though and it's driving her nuts.

When they arrive to their hotel in Jacksonville, Beca steps out of the car and the wind hits her face with a side of familiar humidity. She takes in the fresh air, happy to be stretching her limbs out. Her father and stepmother start towards the lobby then, meeting with the other chaperones stepping off the Barden Bus.

The brunette walks slowly towards the entrance with her backpack on her shoulder, watching each cheerleader step off the bus from across the parking lot. She isn't surprised when Chloe walks off last, pep in her step and a grin on her face. She has sweats and a Barden shirt on, her hair messy up in a bun. Something about how the sun shines over her, makes Beca pause for a moment, simply just watching Chloe direct some of the girls away from the vehicle as they gather their bags.

Seeing her with her friends always seemed a bit odd to Beca, she was herself but almost showed off as more diluted when the people around her multiplied. As if she were focusing more on her actions then just letting go.

Beca turns when they start heading towards the entrance too, walking inside and taking in the building. The hotel is rather nice for a school trip, apparently there was some "generous donators" (Beca had no doubt that some of the money was coming from her father's pocket, he had quite a bit of money and a voice by his side telling him where to put it after all).

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