Chapter 4

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Chloe feels furious when she walks through the front doors on Monday. She had tried to let her emotions calm down over the rest of the weekend, but only found herself getting angrier every time she thought about what had happened. She will not just let Mitchell get away with walking out, right after fucking her.


Chloe has more respect for herself than that.

Chloe avoids her group of friends, searching for the brunette before class is supposed to start. She walks through the crowd of students in the commons, not seeing Beca anywhere. She sighs in frustration when she can't find her, thinking that the girl is either going to ditch or show up late. Chloe goes to her class when the bell rings, knowing she'll just have to wait to have her few words with Beca.

She continues to divert her path away from her friends, not wanting to have to answer to their questions about her off mood. Chloe glares at Tom the whole hour during their History class when he passes off her moodiness for menstruating. Chloe feels like she should feel guilty for cheating on him, but she knows that the main concern at the moment, is to give Beca a piece of her mind.

She's officially had it with the small brunette.

She expects to find the girl during lunch, trying to figure out a way to get to her without adding to her friend's suspicions. Beca doesn't show though, which only makes the redhead become more infuriated.

She walks to her art class at the end of the day, taking deep breaths, thinking that Beca is probably going to ditch this class too. She stops in the doorway of the classroom though, surprised to see the girl already in her seat with her project in front of her.

Chloe clenches her jaw, knowing she can't just go off at Beca here. So she walks towards their table, sitting beside the girl without expressing a word. She doesn't look at Beca or acknowledge her, even though she can feel the girl's eyes on her instantly. The rest of the class files into the room, Mrs. Sanderson already talking to everyone as people pull out their projects. She gives a quick introduction before setting us off to work and playing her music through the room's speakers.

Chloe looks down at her drawing, sighing as she looks at the deformed landscape.

She takes a deep breath, her heart stopping at the familiar smell that runs through her system. She can smell the vanilla and mint that she felt covered in after Saturday night, knowing the same scent was all over her homecoming dress now.

Beca hasn't said anything yet, not even a snide remark like Chloe expected when they would encounter. Chloe's curiosity gets to the best of her, making her look over to the girl.

Beca stares down at her drawing, shading in some spots with her pencil. Chloe can see the way the other girl bites her lip when shading in a tight shape, her fingers gripping tightly around the pencil in her hand.

"Knew you wouldn't be able to resist taking a glance." Beca smirks, her eyes staying on the paper.

Chloe frowns before looking away, taking deep breaths as she tries to control her emotions again. She starts to sketch a few lines angrily, trying to keep her mind off the girl next to her.

Beca's drifting scent makes it hard to not think about her though.

"I'm angry with you." Chloe whispers softly, still staring down at her own paper.

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