Chapter 11

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Chloe doesn't understand how she ended up at Tom's house tonight, his friends chanting around him as he chugged beer after beer right in front of the redhead. She could see Aubrey grimacing beside her, politely sipping from her own solo cup as she observes the uproar as well. Chloe's on the verge of convincing the girl to leave, already feeling completely drained by the day's events. She rather spend the rest of the night in her bed, watching a movie until she falls asleep. It was always her favorite way to end the day; yet she's still here, in no mood to dance or pretend like she's having fun.

One moment, she was leading a late practice outside on the football field. The next, Tom and his friends were inviting her squad to meet up at his house after for a "Notorious party". She didn't feel comfortable letting Emily go without someone watching over her, knowing Legacy was still too vulnerable to attend a high school party by herself; especially if it were one of Tom's. She didn't know how well the girl could handle herself yet in this kind of atmosphere. Which leaves Chloe to the present, watching as Emily dances plastered on the small space in the living room where a dance floor was gathered.

The girl has the biggest grin on her face as her stroppy limbs sway around to the beat of the music. The people around her continue to spur her on, relishing the free entertainment. Chloe rolls her eyes as she sees the scene unfold before her, quickly returning her attention back to her ex who shouts along with his buddies. She knows Legacy would be okay if she stood by, Chloe is more than capable of altering her attention back and forth. The freshman's spirit and exhilaration made the unease between Tom and Chloe more tolerable, keeping the redhead glad that he wasn't attempting anything or looking as if her were planning to; especially in his drunk state.

Her own fatigue reminds her that she's ready to take the girl home though, as well as more of her lingering squad. She didn't like the idea of them attending this party in the first place, but couldn't influence them to follow her wishes anyways. She figures she'd let Emily tire herself out a little more though, just in case there was a possibility that the girl is an obstinate drunk.

Tom's show with his pals starts to bore Chloe, making her glimpse down to her phone a lot. She feels conflicted with her urge to text Beca, wanting to know if there was a chance that the girl was at the party too. She can't imagine the girl attending this kind of party though, knowing the students here were more braced in different social groups. Beca would easily seem out of place; Chloe can't even say if the girl enjoys parties or not either. She just knows that this one would be a lot more enthralling if the girl were here.

She turns back to Aubrey, sharing a mutual glance with the girl. The blonde nods her head in agreement when Chloe motions to leave, both of them knowing it's going to take some time to lasso up the rest of the girls. Aubrey sets off into one direction as Chloe moves towards the dance floor, shaking her head with a chuckle as she see's Legacy roboting her way through the small crowd. She had no idea the girl would be just as enthusiastic in her intoxicated state, as she was in her sober.

"Em!" She shouts, standing on her toes as she tries to wave the girl over. "Come here!"

The tall girl spins with her stumbling feet, her grin growing broader as she staggers her way to Chloe. The redhead places a hand on the girl's shoulder immediately, trying to stabilize the swaying freshman. "We need to get you home girly."

The girl sulks then, slumping her shoulders. "I don't w-want to go home yet." She whines, pouting firmly. "It'sss fun here."

"This won't be your last party, I promise." Chloe smiles, stepping beside the girl and looping their arms together firmly.

"Fine." The taller girl continues to mope, "Can we at least get some ice-cream first?"

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