Chapter 8

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Chloe hears soft voices from the kitchen, recognizing them as Aubrey's mother and Mr. Mitchell's. She catches their movements as they make breakfast and prepare for the day, laughing with one another. She looks over to her best friend, noticing that the girl is still in a deep sleep. Jessica was starting to stir on the other side of the redhead, but wasn't awake yet either. It couldn't be long though before they both woke, the espresso machine was already making quite a bit of noise from down the hall.

The last time Chloe checked her phone, it was a little over nine. The sun was trickling through the window curtains, and she had begun to hear a lawnmower thrive outside not too long ago. She woke up much earlier though, before the sun was even fully up; but it wasn't a sound of the world that had made her do so.

Chloe still sits on the couch, leaning over with both elbows on her knees. One knee bounces as she chews on one of her nails, staring straight ahead at the blank television screen. Her mind still runs hastily as her eyes glance to the hallway every moment or so. Her nerves were sparking up, making her aware that she had to get her stability under control before people would want to talk to her. She couldn't have them asking her any questions right now, especially since she already knew she wasn't the best at lying.

She breathes out heavily before sliding her hands up her forehead, pushing her hair back and holding it against her neck. Everything just seemed so real to her unexpectedly, and she wasn't even close to being prepared for it. She knew early on that there was a chance of this happening, but she thought she could fight it. She thought there were enough reasons to fight it for her.

This morning, she had woken up to Beca being absolutely everywhere.

The first thing she picked up in her disorient state, was the overbearing scent surrounding her. It wasn't particularly recognizable, but she knew it was coming from the girl's skin, hair, and bed. Chloe knew Beca wore a certain kind of body wash everyday, it was sweet and she concluded it to a similarity of honey. She would recognize the smell anywhere now, especially with how many times she's had an opportunity to be near it during their intimate moments. Now though as she woke, it felt like she was swimming in it. It made her want to grasp onto it, knowing it would torture her when the smell wasn't embracing her anymore.

The second thing she noticed was the soft weight on top of her, completely snug as if it had been there for a long while. She could feel it on her stomach and the entire length of her arm, making her eventually open her eyes and turn her head towards the cause of it. She had to blink a few times for the other body to coherently process in her thoughts. An arm rested across her, sitting just below her own breasts. The hand in its extent unknowingly gripping the side of her torso kindly, making her eyes run up along the arm, to see the rest of Beca pressed up against her.

The shorter girl slept on her side, her head resting on Chloe's shoulder.

The girl's lips were slightly parted, and her face relaxed with a thin strand of hair running across it. Chloe could see slow movement underneath her eyelids, making Chloe immediately wonder if Beca was dreaming in the moment.

She wondered what the girl dreams about, and if it were something Chloe would find pleasant. She wanted to know what classified as a "good dream" to Beca, and if it were something she would deem good as well.

Chloe slowly pulled up her hand involuntarily, reaching to move the strand of hair away from the girl's face; her fingertips lightly touching the brunette's forehead in the process.

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