A Rosy Surprise

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   Neil and Todd sat in a secluded area in the woods planning a huge stunt.  For the past month they could see the Chemical Charisma™ developing between Sal and Larry.  Neither of them would acknowledge it, but it was there.

   "Okay,  so we sneak in while Larry is asleep and lay down the petals? " Neil questioned.

   "Yes. We will have to move swiftly and quietly as not to wake Larry.  We will then page sal and the romance will commence." Todd replied in his signature nasaly tone. Niel grabbed the basket if rose petals and they walked into Larry's bedroom from the back door, stepping toe to heel as to make minimal noise.  They then proceeded to trail the crimson flowers from Larry's bed to the front door of the apartment.  Larry slept naked,  so they needed not strip him.  It was awkward having to look at him while completing their task but if they wanted this ship to sail,  it must be done.

  "Ok baby,  go page Sally." Niel obeyed and grabbed Larry's walkie talkie and pressed the 'Page's button.  The two lovers whisked off the the exit and waited patiently. 

   Sal heard a beep on his walkie talkie and instantly knew that it was Larry.  He slipped on his shirt before looking at a Morse code message on his walkie talkies 3 inch screen.  It roughly translated to 'wear my hoodie with the short shorts'.  Todd sent this of course,  knowing this outfit would cause Larry some....  Trouble.  Sal slipped in the outfit and walked to the elevator.  The blue haired boy chipped the key cared and punched in the number for the basement.  A small ding signaled his ride had come to its conclusion and the metal doors screeched open.  He took his leasure  to Larry's apparent before opening the door to see a trail of red petals lining the carpet all the way to Larry's door.  He went red and questioned whether he should proceed.  Still,  he pressed onward and opened Larry's door,  paying no mind to the 'keep out' sign. 

   "FUCK KNUCKLES!" Sal blurted out before he could think.  Larry shot his head up at the sound of Sally's voice. 

   "SALLY FACE?! " He exclaimed before pressing his hand against his groin.  He instantly noticed the petals lying on the Green stained carpet of his bedroom. 

  "What the shit is all this?  Are you trying to fuck me?! " Larry inquired frantically.

  "I should be asking you! You paged me down here!  When I got here the petals were already on the ground!  I didn't do do this!"  Sal claimed,  stunned at the accusations being thrust upend him.  Despite the situation,  the blue haired hoy found his eyes glued to Larry's covered crotch.  Larry fought notice of this and a blush creeped across his face.  His length began to harden but he ignored this and continued to press for answers.  The situation escalated and Todd and Neil stepped in and cleared the air before it could get physical (in the violent way. If it were the sexy way,  they would have let it proceed). They explained the stunt and why they were trying to spark tension between the two boys.  This was really a coexistent crisis that would be inevitably resolved. Everyone stood there,  red faced and dumbfounded,  not a word escaping anyone's mouth. 

  A smile crept across Larry's crimson cheeks as he dropped to his knees  an uproar of laughter ensuing. 

  "Sally was looking at my dick!" He managed to choke between laughs. Sal couldn't say anything.  He was frozen in place as fear engulfed his senses.  The red head and his dark skinned partner shrugged and walked away,  leaving the pair of boys alone. 

   This chapter is another suggestion by Coexistent_Crisis. Ily gurl and you keep being awesome ok???  

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