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  (Edit/authors note: Before reading, it should be stated this was written years ago, and misrepresents the trans and gender non conforming community. I look back on it with much I would change. Ideas and misconceptions held when I was younger are inaccurate and may discredit the experiences of others.)

Sal was a boy.  Sure he had some different parts,  and yeah he wore pigtails,  but he  was  a boy. Nobody could convince him otherwise.  He propped himself on Larry's shoulders,  riding like a king in his way home from school.

  " Sal it's hard to get people to respect your pronouns when you wear pigtails.  You haven't done much to signal to people that you've transitioned." Ash stated blankly.

  "I know,  I know.  I just really like my pigtails.  I know I'm a boy,  and that's all that matters...  If people keep calling me she,  that's their problem." Sal reasoned.  Larry hated it when people misgendered Sal.  The two stopped at Ash's door,  walking in,  Sal flopped of Larry's shoulders and onto the grey couch.  Larry chuckled and sat beside him. 

  "Larry I never asked,  what's your preference." Sal asked,  not letting on his feelings.

  "Eh..  I'm bi I guess." Sal was pansexual,  but everyone knew that.   Ash came back out of her room with a fuckin James Charles pallette. 

  "WHO WANTS TO GET THEY MAKEUP DID!?" Ash yelled enthusiastically.

  "Me sister!" Sal yelled in reply,  ripping off his mask and setting it on the coffee table.  Ash put some dark pink eye liner on him,  as well as green eyeshadow.

"You are gonna make him look like fucking Ru Paul!" Larry chortled.  He smiled at Sal.  It was fucking hilarious seeing him like this. 

Time skip

  The sun was rising and they had spent the night together pulling an all nighter.  Sal's makeup was fading as he sat on the edge of an empty tub,  Larry crouched in front of him.  He licked his thumb and wiped away some of the makeup before planting a quick kiss on Sal's face.  A blush creeped across their faces.  Larry inched forward slightly, pushing his face deeper into Sal's scarred lips,  licking his bottom lip.  Sal allowed entrance,  and Larry explored every inch of the smaller boy's mouth.  As it got more heated,  Sal eased backwards into the tub,  allowing Larry on top of him.  The tall male slid his hand downward before he was stopped abruptly.

  "Larry...  You know I don't have the right...  Parts...." Sal shied away from Larry's gentle touch.

  "It's okay Sal... I'll take you anyway. Where do you want me? Are you comfortable with me taking you from the front?"

  "N.. No... I don't want to be reminded of it being there...  Is it okay if I ask you take me from the back...?"

So this was a combination of two suggestions.  One from Sammie3456 and One from Coexistent_Crisis as always. I'm actually kinda proud of this one...

Sally X Larry One Shots Where stories live. Discover now