Chapter 36

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Hey, everyone! Spending a weekend in Paris was lovely! So, I'm going to be doing a little thing with every chapter. You can request songs for each chapter, and I will pick TWO at random to be selected for the chapter (one played at the beginning, one at the end)and give a shout-out to that person. Please keep in mind that the songs do not have to be anime related, they can literally be any song that I choose.  And because it's just started, I'm going to be doing the first two songs. This chapter's songs are... *drum roll* Rockefeller Street (Every weeb should know this song. If you don't, then where on earth have you been?!) and For Your Entertainment by Adam Lambert.

And, here we go! (P.S, sorry if you have no idea what or who I'm mentioning in future chapters, including this one, I'm referencing characters and moments that happen in the manga.)

"Why are we doing this?" (your name) whispered as they were lead to the back of a photography shop named 'The Lark Photographic Studio' where Mr. Pete, the freckly-faced manager of the shop, pulled back a curtain in the back, revealing a door to the interior, making casual conversation. 

"It's a swift and easy way to get to where we need," Sebastian whispered before turning to Mr. Pete. "Would we be able to pay at a later time?"

"This one's a freebie, on me!" he laughed cheerfully, waving his hand in the air dismissively. "This studio used to belong to Vin, anyway. I'm just managing it."

They reached another doorway. Pete turned it. A labyrinth of stinking waterways lay before them, dirty water gushing out from giant pipes, feeding the steady stream of human waste along. (your name)'s eyes watered at the smell, and she covered her nose in a vain attempt to block out the stench. "It feels like my nose is going to melt!" she groaned. "Is this a waterway?"

"Yup, the waterway built during The Great Stink!*" Pete said proudly. "It's spread out under London like an ant nest. The only things you'll find down here are cleaning men or rats. It's the perfect place for moving discretely!" he handed Sebastian a number of different items. "Oh, and don't forget these. A map, a light, and some mask. It's dangerous to go without them!"

Sebastian took the items and distributed the masks between the four of them, bowing his head in thanks. Soon after, Pete was waving goodbye to the four of them, climbing the stairs back up to the studio. Unlike (your name), the others wouldn't get affected by the fumes of the waterway, but put their masks on anyway. (your name)'s eyes were still watering, despite the protection she wore that covered her nose and mouth. Sebastian held the lantern high as he led the way, map in hand. She cringed slightly at the sight of a large rat devouring a smaller rat, with a mix of human waste, from out of the corner of her eye. Food much be short down here, she thought, redirecting her vision away from the sight.

They walked on in silence, navigating the twists and turns according to the map in Sebastian's hands. Shadows leapt at them from the light of the lantern, casting menacing creatures of shadow and darkness at them. On more than one occasion, (your name) could've sworn she saw figures in the gloom, only for them to turn out to be rather large sewage pipes. In the distance, she could hear a scuffle between two male rats who were fighting over dominance, and who would get to mate with the female that watched on curiously. The steady 'drip-drip' of water echoed loudly in their ears.

Suddenly, Undertaker laughed loudly, almost causing (your name) to leap into the water in fright. "What's up with you?"

"Hihihihihihihi, nothing, my dear, I just remembered a joke Sebastian was telling me," Undertaker giggled. "Why? Did me laugh startle you?"

"Oh, shut up," (your name) laughed, shoving Undertaker's shoulder playfully.

"Right," Sebastian stopped at a stone staircase, turning back to the rest of the group. "Here we are."

*= You can thank the manga for this. The Great Stink was a time in the summer of 1858 during which the smell of untreated human waste was very strong in Central London.

Word count: 719

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