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Around 1pm i arrived at Zaventem (that's in Brussels if you didn't know) and I saw my parents together with Grace and Thibaut standing there waiting for me

"HEY" grace shouted and she ran to me and hugged me so tight i could barely breathe
"Too tight TOO TIGHT" and she stopped hugging after i said that
"ALLLL" thibaut shouted
"THIBAUTTTT" and he ran up to me and hugged me not too tight
"Missed ya" he said
"Missed you tooo" i said and we all went to my parents, ofcourse i saw grace and thibaut holding hands
"Aww" "sorry couldn't control myself, had to say that" we all laughed
"Hi anak" and she hugged me so tight tighter than grace (anak is Filipino for child, wanted to do something else than just 'sweetie' or something like that hahah)
"Mom i can't breath" and she immediately let go of me and she let out some tears because she missed me
"I missed you mom"
"I missed you too"
"Daddd" i hugged him and i sortof missed him the most cus he made jokes all day long and i didn't hear them for months, he sometimes sent some memes and tagged me in memes but it wasn't the same
"I missed you kiddo" he hugged me too
"I missed you too"
"Well let's go home and let's talk more" my dad said
"I need to get my luggage first tho" and i was waiting for it and there it came
"Let me carry that" thibaut said and he carried it, i didn't say no ofcourse because i was exhausted
"How's it with harry" grace asked
"It's great, oh fuck i still need to message him i arrived" and i got my phone and texted him

"Hey, i arrived in Brussels just some minutes ago, i'm with my parents and friends now ❤️"

"Heyy, okay have fun there okay? ❤️"

"I will, should i bring a souvenir for you? ❤️"

"Wouldn't say no to that❣️"

"Okayy, i'll talk to you later okay? I love you ❤️"

"I love you too ❤️"

Boring chapter i know 😴

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