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harry came home a little before 12pm (did i say  Sophie was 1  year old already?) sophie was trying to say a word already when he came home.

"heyyyyyyy" he said, he kissed me and kissed Sophie's head 
"hey, how was it in Guernsey?" i asked him 
"it was great" he said, we weren't watching where Sophie was, she was in the couch

how did she go from me to the couch? oh cus she can crawl, i forgot that

"look at her" he said and he puts his arms around me
"we made our little cutie" i said and we smiled and we went to her
"do you want to go with mommy and daddy to the shop?" he said in a cute but childish way to her
"mama" she said and got extremely happy, i widened my eyes as she said mama again and again and again, i recorded that bit.
"OHMYGOD" "she said mama!!!" i said
"she's growing up so fast" he said and smiled
"yes she is"

sorry, they're gonna be a little short for a while, i'm starting my exams tomorrow so yeah x

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