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I was at the garage for 2 hours and I was driving home after that.


I've been in her house for 2 hours and she's still not here, she didn't answer my calls nor messages, maybe her phone died? I decided to watch the news since I was alone in her house

"2 hours ago, an accident happened on the express-road, we found a picture of the driver, if you know who this is, please inform the police" and they showed a picture of alyssa

I decided to call the police immediately since i was panicking so hard, they said she'd be in the hospital right now and i fast went to my car and drove to the hospital

"Where's Alyssa Sonneville" i asked a nurse
"What are you from her" the nurse asked
"Her boyfriend"
"She's in room 19B" and she brought me to her
"the doctor put her in a few hour coma (doesn't exist but idc), if she wasn't put in a coma she most likely wouldn't make it" she said
"I understand, I'd rather see her in a coma and still be alive than that she's awake right now and could've been dead" i said

It broke my heart to see Alyssa in a coma, i should message grace about this since it's her best friend

"Houston, we have a
problem and I'm not okay"

"What is it harold?"

"Al's in the hospital"


"Sadly I'm not, she's in a few
hour coma right now, if she
was awake now she most
likely wouldn't make it"

"Pick me up now, I wanna
go to Al, I'm at her house"

"I'm on my way"

And I went to get grace

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