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Jungkook had received a call from the resident park where he lives at just a while ago. He was told that his house has been caught in fire and they had in advanced called the police and ambulance.

Jungkook instantly stops whatever work he was on and left his office after telling his personal assistant to cancel his meeting with some investors last minute.

As he arrives at the residence where he lives, he lets out a deep devastated gasp. The only one thing that worries him the most was how Yoongi was doing. So he ran towards the scene where the police cars surrounded. He then spotted Yoongi by the ambulance, with oxygen mask worn on his face and a bandage wrapped around his forehead.


Yoongi heard Jungkook's voice that laced with alot of worries, "Are you okay?"

"Im fine...", Yoongi speaks to the oxygen mask where it becomes foggy by his own breath.

The paramedic came to them when he saw Jungkook there, "Are you Mr Jeon?"

"Yes. How is he?", he asks the paramedic.

"Dont worry Mr Jeon. He's in no bad condition. Though he had hurt his head and his right shoulder might have sprained a little but overall he's good. He did inhaled abit of the smoke but not much to worsen his condition."

"Oh thank god.", Jungkook leaves out a relief sigh, now turning his attention back towards Yoongi and pulls him in a sudden hug. Tight but not much to hurt him than he already is. "Damn I was so worried."

"Mr Jeon?", a man calls out to him , the man clad with white button up with black jeans and navy blue jacket. He reaches out his hand for Jungkook to shake as he introduces himself, "Im officer Lee. May I speak to you for a bit?"

Jungkook spare one more glance at Yoongi before he left and followed the officer to his car. The police takes out a note pad and a pen, "I did asked a few questions and got some answers from your husband. He told me that the house maid that you hired, Yoon Mina —seems to be stealing stuffs from your house. Though he said he wasnt really sure because he's blind, but I need some confirmation from you."

"Is there anything I should do?"

"Maybe after this you could check the house thoroughly to see if you really did lose some belongings, if yes we will directly take out a warrant to arrest her immediately. The kitchen is the only part of the house that has been burn down completely. As we checked she might have set it up,  but gladly the residence secured us fast and the fire fighter had wiped down the fire before it spreads to the living room."

"Yoongi also had told me that she might have had help from a man, he mentioned he had heard a man's voice when he was brought upstairs and she told him to hurry and leave. Thats when Yoongi struggles to get away from her and he fell the stairs and injured himself."

"That bitch.", Jungkook curses. He's mad not because she was stealing but because she had costed Yoongi some injuries.

"May I know how long has she been working for you?", the officer asks.

"About a year now."

"Did you happen to notice any strange behaviors from her during her service as a maid?"

"No, "Jungkook shakes his head, "Not any that I actually notice."

"Well then its alright Mr Jeon. If you really did lose alot of your belongings , this is my card," the officer passes him a small card that has his name and number under it with the police department label at the top right, "Immediately call me and as I said we'll take out a warrant as soon as possible."

"Well, not that I really care about the belongings she possibly had stolen or the burnt down kitchen, I just care about my partner's safety. But okay, I'll call you once I had a check in my house."

"Very well then Mr Jeon. Thank you for your explaination." he reaches out his hand yet again for them to shake hands before the officer left with his other unit members. Jungkook then walks back to the ambulance to meet up with Yoongi. The boy now has the oxygen mask peeled off when the paramedic told him he's fine now so needing the oxygen mask is no longer necessary.

"He's good to go. But in case he might have experience other complications, just bring him to the hospital for a thorough check up. "

"Thank you.", Jungkook says and after a few minutes of them packing their stuffs,  and the police cars now had left his area soon the ambulance and the fire truck too had left along with them.

"You alright?", Jungkook asks Yoongi who seems to be quiet. He doesnt really know what Yoongi has in mind right now, but he can tell the boy is still traumatized.

"Yeah Im good.", they walk in the house that has the smoke scent  surrounding the spacious living room, Jungkook cringed when he saw his kitchen.

"After this, you can clean up and then pack your stuffs because youre staying at my parents house for the time being."

"Um..can I stay at my parents house instead?", Yoongi hesitantly asks.

Jungkook just gives him a soft smile, "Of course. Whichever you feel comfortable with." Jungkook caress Yoongi's hair gently before leaving Yoongi in their room to get change or whatever he can manage on his own, now going to his mini office at the end of the hall.

He gets in his office checking around the room and sighs irritatedly, "That bitch stole the fucking antic vases and paintings from Europe goddammit."

BLIND PLEASURE        [m.y.g//j.j.k]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu