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Some of u might be wondering or confused at the chapter where an incident happened which kook's house was on fire and that yoong was hurt. i literally remember there was a chap i made that had a scene where the incident took over but this story were long ago the last i updated. when i read it back the part was gone. so instead of making a new chap for that im just gonna continue on with the next continuation of this story. also thisg story its a slow develop relationship betweek kook and yoongi so please be patience for the smut huhuhu

It has been two days since Jungkook asks Yoongi to stay at his own mother's house since he had to manage his house which was half burned down with what Mina-Jungkook's maid did. And then he was busy with the police to chase down Mina, his work at his office and only had some little time to look for a new home for him and Yoongi to move into.

That night Jungkook came to visit his husband at his mother in law's house. He had brought some foods and some necessity groceries that Yoongi's mother can use in the kitchen.

The lady greeted him with a sweet smile. "Hows things going?" she asks , well known what had occured days ago. She understood the moment Jungkook brought Yoongi back since he might be too busy to take care of Yoongi.

"The police might need a little more time to track down that wrench and throw her into jail. Also I've already found a new place to move in with Yoongi. Also need a few days to arranged papers and then moving the furnitures and stuffs. Loads of work to manage too so I've been really busy, only this time of the night I can come over and to take a look at Yoongi.", Jungkook rambles on which Yoongi's mother notice. She felt a little simpathy and concern towards his son in law. He had alot of responsibilities.

"Everything is going to be fine Jungkook. You can take your time settle things down and dont worry about Yoongi. He can stay here for a while."

"Is he in his room?" Jungkook asks about the certain boy.

"Yes he is."

With that Jungkook left the kitchen politely as he takes the stairs to Yoongi's room. There he softly knocks at the door and knowing Yoongi- he wasnt allowed to lock his door- in case anything would happen. Yoongi didnt respond so he just opens the door. Presented with Yoongi doing what he usually do, roaming around his room with his finger pads.

"Hey Yoongi." Jungkook chirps. By the voice Yoongi stops at what he was doing. "I brought some foods that you might like, I havent had dinner yet so maybe you wanna come downstairs and eat together?", Jungkook walks in and make his way to Yoongi's bed, having a confortable seat.

Yoongi stands by his desk near the window which is located beside his bed, his eyebrows raised," Im not hungry, now if you can, please leave my room."

Evenso Jungkook didnt stop there, he knew Yoongi's a little airhead when it comes to making him eat. "Im sorry I didnt have the time to come and see you the past two days I was quite busy with-"

Yoongi cuts him off, "I dont really care, so please leave." Yoongi bluntly says again.

Jungkook sighs sofly.

"You dont have to waste your time coming here because I dont really need you here. Dont even waste your energy caring about me."

Jungkook sighs yet again, feeling a little fume coming from his nose. Upset with what Yoongi had said.

Yoongi then snicker, "Our marriage is strictly business right? So you dont have the need to be oblige being nice to me."

That was it, those words enough to throw Jungkook off the edge. He shots up from Yoongi's bed, anger building up in his gut. He walks out the room and didnt forget to slam the door which made Yoongi flinch a little bit at that.

Part of what Yoongi said is true, -yeah their marriage was indeed arranged for both family's business. Partly though isnt true either. The moment Jungkook agreed with the marriage he was ready ans willing to take his responsibilities seriously.

It would be the biggest lie if Yoongi's words didnt leave a little of pain on Jungkooks. That boy really made him sad.

"Oh Jungkook! I unwrapped the foods you brought. ", she chimes when she spotted Jungkook coming in the kitchen,alone. She immediately notice the expression on Jungkook's face. "Where's yoongi?"

"He said he wasnt hungry, but I am.", he forces a smile towards his mother in law. The woman too knows Jungkook is forcing it.

She ask with a concern voice towards the man ,, "Yoongi said bad things to you isnt it?"

"Its nothing really." Jungkook said as he takes a seat at the dining table.

She feels the need to comfort him as she says, "Yoongi can be a little rude sometimes. But its really hard to undertand and knows what is inside his head. He really just say what ever he wants to say."

Jungkook smiles at what she said. "Im fine with whatever he wants to say. Ill get over it soon.", he sighs again, "Im really hungry and I need to get back to my office after Im done."

She felt guilt on her son's behalf. "Im sorry about Yoongi."

Jungkook then just smiles at her ,"Its fine." he assures.

Soon after that the mother and Jungkook together at the dining table having their dinner. Though she wasnt hungry she feels the obligation to accompany Jungkook. While eating both of them shared a lot of random conversation.

As he's done with his meal, he politely ask permission from his mother in law to leave the house and decides to go back to his office. Loads of paper work that needed to be done.

He unlocks his car, finally letting go a long and heavy sigh as he seats in his car. Placing his head on the steering wheel as he recalls back what Yoongi had said to him. The pain in his chest slowly building up.

After minutes of silence, then he finally gives up and just wanted to stop thinking about it as he takes out his pack cigarette from the compartment in the middle of the driver and shotgun seat. Taking one out of the pack then lighting it up with his purple lighter.

Taking a long drag and huffs it out ,the smoke flows out the window that he had turn down completely. Not wasting more of his time, he ignites the engine of his car and pulls off of the Min's house.

The ride back to his office accompanied with the heavy smoke regulates in his car from his cigarette. The taste of nicotine , tar and a hint taste of light mint invades his buds. Washes off the taste of the forced dinner that he had a moment ago, along with thoughts of Yoongi.

an update after 19 months :) welp.

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