Waking up, Alex/Chloe

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Alex woke up in the hospital and she was hooked up to three machines.  She took all of the cords out of her skin and she painfully pulled the breathing tube from down her throat.  A nurse walked in and said,"You need to lay back down".  "What happened"?  "You were in a come for twenty four hours and you couldn't breathe so, we had to put a breathing tube down your throat," the nurse says.

"Okay, but am I okay"?  Alex asked.  "We need to do some test but, I'll let the doctor answer the rest of your questions," the nurse said leaving the room and getting the doctor.  The doctor came into the room and took a miniature flashlight out and flashed it in her eyes.  She shut her eyes for a  couple seconds and the opened them again.

He took her pulse and said,"How do you feel"?  "Tired and thirsty," Alex says.  He handed her questions glass of water and she drunk all of it really fast.  "You're eyes actually look more blue than any eyes I've ever seen," says the doctor.  "My eyes aren't blue, they're brown," Alex said confused.  "Look in the mirror," the doctor says.  He gave her a mirror and she looked in it, her eyes were a deep blue color.  "I don't understand, my eyes are light brown not dark blue," Alex says. 

"Maybe you were wearing contacts," says the doctor.  "I don't wear those," Alex says.  He looked at her eyes again and said,"That's weird"."  "What," Looking at him,"What's weird"?  "You're eyes aren't blue anymore, they're," he paused,"light brown".  Alex looked in the mirror and her eyes were light brown again.  "My eyes change color sometimes," Alex lied.  "Really"?  The doctor asked.  "Yeah, I get it from my mom.  Her eyes change color sometimes too," Alex lied again.  "Okay, you're left you some clothes over there," he pointed to a chair with some clothes on it,"you can put those on and you can leave, just make sure your parents sign out before you leave," the doctor says.  "Okay," Alex, says.

The doctor left the room and he shut the door behind him.  Alex put on the clothes her mom brought her and she put the gown on the hospital bed.  She opened the door and walked to the nurses counter and her parents, little brother, little sister and big brother were waiting.  Her mom Louise gave her a hug.  "Honey, are you okay"?  Louise asked.  "Yeah, I'm fine mom.  Just a little tired," Alex said.  "Okay, let's get you home," Louise says.  "Okay," Alex says.  And they drove home.


Chloe woke up with a breathing mask on her mouth and nose.  Her vision was a little blurry so she blinked a couple of times until she could see.  She sat up in bed and took her breathing mask off.  The nurse came into the room and said,"How do you feel"?  "Like I just got ran over by a car," Chloe says.  The nurse laughed,"Well, you're okay.  Your burns have healed really good, you can't rely see them anymore and this only happened two days ago," says the nurse.  "I've been sleep for two days"?  Chloe asked.  "Yeah, you can go home today too," the nurse says. 

"Okay," says Chloe.  The nurse left the room and Chloe changed into her clothes.  She went to the lobby and her mom and little brother were there.  "Hey mom," Chloe says.  "Hey sweetheart, you feeling okay"?  Stephanie asked.  "Yeah, I'm good," Chloe says.  They drove to a new house an went in.

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