3| The Late-Nighter, the Eavesdropper, and the Zac Efron Addict

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Chapter Three: The Late-Nighter, the Eavesdropper, and the Zac Efron Addict

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Chapter Three: The Late-Nighter, the Eavesdropper, and the Zac Efron Addict

Phoebe couldn't remember when she fell asleep on the soft bed the night before. After the guards left, everything was a blur.

Every girl chose a bed to sleep on. Phoebe chose the one closest to the fake window. She got in the covers but didn't remember anything after that. Maybe it was because she was emotionally exhausted, but Phoebe didn't think she could go to sleep in that place especially after all of the anxiety she had throughout the day.

She woke to a pitch black room. Someone must've turned the lights out after she turned in. WIthout a window, no sunlight was able to shine in.

She got out of bed and stepped on the floor beside her black flats that she took off the night before. The stone floor felt cold on the bottoms of her feet, which just brought back the prison feeling.

She carefully walked, one foot in front of the other, with her hands stretched forward. She lightly stubbed her toe on another bed and yelped.

She took a deep breath and continued walking. Soon enough, she felt the wall and slid her hands across it until she felt the smooth texture of the light switch.

She blew out a sigh of relief and turned towards the other four girls sleeping soundly. Phoebe stood awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

She didn't want to sit in the dark, but turning on the light could disturb the others.

Oh well, she thought and shrugged, walking back to her bed.

She looked around, not knowing what to do, but then her gaze landed on the small table bedside her bed. It had a small drawer with a silver knob. Phoebe grabbed the knobbed and opened the drawer, which caused it to squeak a little. She looked around at the girls again and was relieved they were still asleep.

She didn't know why she wanted them to stay asleep, but she felt as if anything she did in this unknown place was bad. She didn't know what was right or wrong there, but they weren't in Treedon anymore.

Phoebe opened the drawer all the way, surprised to see three books placed neatly inside.

She pulled out the first and flipped through the pages. It was a small, lined notebook for journaling. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

The second book was a novel and the third was a small kind of textbook.

The title was 'The Art of Fighting'.

Phoebe shook her head, her mind muddled.

"What...?" she mumbled to herself, "Why would they have a book about fighting in an educational facility?"

"I was wondering the same thing," Phoebe jumped at the voice and looked over at the bed across from hers.

Abigail sat there, under her covers, with her eyes on Phoebe. She smiled softly, "I was the last one asleep last night so I looked through the drawer. You were out like a light." She laughed softly.

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