8| Pillow Fight

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Chapter 8: Pillow Fight

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Chapter 8: Pillow Fight

     Phoebe walked out with the four other girls but was stopped and help back when Mason caught a hold of her wrist.

“Wait, hold on,” he said pulling her back slightly. Phoebe threw the girls a signal, telling them to keep moving before they all get caught by someone, “What are you going to do about training tomorrow? You obviously can’t go...” he asked.

Phoebe turned directly towards him, “Don’t worry, I’m not. I’m gonna look for Steven tomorrow. The guards think I’m still down in that cell so I might as well go look for him.” She shrugged.

“Are you sure that’s smart without backup. You’ll be alone.”

Phoebe nodded, “I’ll be fine. I’ll be careful.”

He nodded but his jaw was slightly clenched as he looked away.

Phoebe squinted her eyes in confusion but let it slide, “I’ll see you later, okay?”

He nodded and they parted ways. Phoebe didn’t want to say goodbye, so she didn’t. He was worried enough as it is.

She continued her walk back to the girl’s room. Once she opened it, four pairs of curious eyes were staring her down.

Phoebe’s eyes widened as she shut the door slowly, “What’s up, guys?” She laughed nervously, not knowing where this was going.

Liz spoke first, “What did Mason want to talk to you about?”

Phoebe sighed and rolled her eyes, “He was just asking what I was gonna do about practice tomorrow. I told him I was gonna search for Steven.” She shrugged like it was nothing, wanting this conversation to end.

The girls exchanged knowing glances and Phoebe looked at them weirdly, “What?”

“Why does he all of the sudden care?” Isie asked.

“Yeah,” Hailey joined in, “You two barely talked at school. Now it’s like you guys are long lost friends.” The the other girls laughed.

Phoebe shrugged again, “I think I see him in a new light now. After he helped me get out of that cell, he told me that he wasn’t the spark of the rumors, yet, he still apologized for it.” Phoebe laughed softly while thinking about it.

Isie, Liz, and Hailey started spouting out questions like the teenage gossip girls they once were but Abi quickly put it to a stop.

“Okay, Okay,” she snapped her fingers in front of their faces, “It’s like you guys have forgotten our current position right now! Give Phoebe a break. She has had a long day, just like the rest of us. Let’s just rest for now…” she paused and smirked, “We can talk about Phoebe’s love life later.”

Phoebe pinched her lips together, picked up the nearest pillow, and chucked it at Abi’s head. She yelped as it hit her, the force making her dark hair fly behind her before settling down.

Phoebe bent over and laughed. Abi’s face was full of playful anger until something behind Phoebe made Abi smirk. Phoebe looked over her shoulder right before a fluffy object was smashed into her face. She lost her balance slightly but quickly grabbed another pillow to shove it into the face of her next victim which just ignited a war between them all.

Phoebe couldn’t remember the last time she had this much fun but it blossomed new friendships and a new, fresh trust for the five girls.

The pillow fight settled down after Phoebe smiled so much, her jaw began to hurt. She flopped on her bed in exhaustion and huffed, blowing away a piece of light hair that fell across her face.

“I surrender!” she yelled tiredly. The others laughed and fell on their own beds. After their heavy breathing become normal again, each girl drifted off into a deep sleep, almost forgetting about their current struggles.

Without letting her worries about Steven and Joi get to her, Phoebe gave in to sleep and allowed her eyelids to shut.


Steven ran like his life depended on it. He tried to make his footsteps light on the stone floor but his desperateness got the better of him. He couldn’t just sit and wait for his opportunity to see them pass by. He hadn't seen like in weeks, maybe months. He wanted to know if they were okay. Needed to know.

He followed the route to the west side of the castle that he knew by heart. He turned sharply, almost running into paintings on the walls--or the walls themselves.

He appeared in front of the the black door and knocked on it lightly, looking around frantically hoping no one would see him.

He heard the sound of three muffled voices inside before the doorknob started to turn. It creaked open and a set of bright green eyes appeared in front of him.


A huge smile broke out onto his face, “Trista!”

	A huge smile broke out onto his face, “Trista!”

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