20| Mom

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Chapter 20: Mom

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Chapter 20: Mom

     “Oh thank the heavens!” Abi gasped.

Phoebe just closed her eyes and released a breath, a silent thank you to Steven and however he got the password.

“Let me make the call,” She said, walking closer to the computer. Steven looked at her before nodding and backing away.

He was happy that she was getting used to him a lot faster than he thought she would. She still looked tense around him but he knew that she knew it was only a dream. She wasn’t really scared of him.


“Who are you calling, Phoebe?” LIz asked, stepping forward.

“The only address I know,” she turned to look at her for a second, “My mom.”

Liz nodded, “Of course.”

Mason squinted his eyes in confusion, “Wait, how do you still remember that? Some of us here don’t even remember the color of our mothers’ eyes anymore.”

“Well,” Phoebe said while typing in the address she knew at heart, “It was something I had to remember several times a day. She was always at work. She had a desk job and asked me to call her whenever I got bored and I didn’t really have any friends so I was always bored. If anyone knew that I would feel so embarrassed, and I don’t know why I’m telling you this and I’m going to stop talking now…” Phoebe rambled and kept her gaze set on the computer screen, blushing.

Mason would have burst out laughing if there wasn’t a group of armed guards searching for them that very second.

Steven chuckled at her ramble before his wandering eyes caught sight of an unknown stack of papers and files sitting in the desk. He walked over to it while Phoebe was still trying to find a way to call her mother. He took the top folder off of the stack and flipped through it.

The file mostly contained stats about previous and current members of the Barvarian Coast’s Council and students from past years. He was about to set the file down when a familiar picture came into view.

Mrs. Gardner.

Steven pinched his lips together in frustration and he read her stats.

Last Name: Gardner

Position: 1st degree council member

Steven’s eyes widened in surprise. He always had a suspicion of Mrs. Gardner, the mayor of Treedon, being a citizen of the Coast but he didn’t think she would be such a valuable part of the council. He didn’t know that the Coast would send such an important member to go undercover in Treedon.

A ringing sound coming from the computer drew his attention to Phoebe who was calling her mother anxiously. She turned down the volume quickly so that the ringing would stop.

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