6| Forgiveness

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Chapter 6: Forgiveness

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Chapter 6: Forgiveness

     Phoebe tried to talk to the guard who kept a tight grip on her arm as he dragged her down the hall. The last thing she saw was Joi chastising Steven after he was about to tell her how he he was so educated on the connection between the Barvarian Coast and Black Island.

Joi obviously didn’t want him to tell her anything, but why would Joi tell him anything? Or maybe he already knew…

Phoebe shook her head out of her thoughts and turned back toward the guard.

“Please,” she begged, “Just tell me what’s going on! Where are you taking me?”

He was silent as they walked down hallways and stairs. The air got colder and goosebumps appeared on Phoebe's skin. They arrived in a completely different setting from the rest of the castle. The walls were stone and murky, as if the basement had never been cared for or as if there was no life down there at all.

Her lip quivered from the cold--and fear--and her legs shook underneath her from the cool gusts near the floor, probably coming from a open window.

They turned sharply and Phoebe gasped at what she saw in front of her.


She started to fight against the hold the guard had on her even though she knew there was no use. He used a large, silver key to unlock one of the barred doors. It creaked as it opened, but it seemed normal to him. He thrust her forward as he closed the door on her, leaving her in solitude and dark coldness.

     She knew now. They weren't going to treat her like a student anymore. They would do anything in their power to keep Phoebe from spreading information.

And they had a lot of power.

Phoebe scooted back to the corner, breathing hard. From what Steven explained to her, she was chosen to be a soldier for the more dominant island of the three and she didn’t knowing why. She had never been the favorite when it came to sports in her old school. She wasn’t weak or uncoordinated, just uninterested. Since she didn’t like the popular things, nobody really paid attention to her.

Maybe that’s why they chose me. I’m not as important as some people, so missing my presence wouldn't make a dent on the system back on Treedon, she thought.

She spotted a small bed with a thin mattress on top so she climbed up to get away from the soft  blow of cold air on ground level. She tucked her knees under her chin and wrapped her arms around her shins. She refused to cry and or show self-pity, but she felt the rims of her eyes fill with warm tears. All of the information Steven shared with her only led to more questions and her being thrown--literally--into a prison cell.

Phoebe didn’t know how long she sat on that tiny bed, rubbing her arms to warm them up, until she heard footsteps on the hard, stone floor. She froze and listened as the quiet clacks became louder until the person came into view behind the thick bars in the cell.

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