10| "My Name Is Joi"

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Chapter 10: "My Name Is Joi"

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Chapter 10: "My Name Is Joi"

Phoebe woke up slowly and peacefully the next morning, leaning over on her side tiredly, letting out a soft sigh of comfort. She pulled the blanket closer to her chin and snuggled in closer. She heard giggles in front of her. She knew that it was Liz but she didn't care--that was an everyday occurrence.

“C’mon, sleepyhead,” Liz said, “You’ve got a big day ahead of you.”

Phoebe grunted and pulled the covers closer, knowing what would happen next. She clutched the blanket just in time as Liz came over and gave it a yank. It jerked but Phoebe wouldn’t give up that easily. She kept her fists tight and her eyes shut as Liz continued pulling. By the end of their tug-of-war, Phoebe slid of the bed but still had the blanket in her clutches.

That was a victory in her book.

Someone snorted from the other side of the room, “That was unnecessary.”

Phoebe peeled open her eyes to see Abigail in her training clothes and grabbing her fighting book.

She continued to look around from her place on the ground to see the rest of the girls completely ready. That made Phoebe poke up, “What time is it?”

“The guards are about to come and take us to training,” Hailey responded, smirking down and Phoebe, still wrapped in her blanket.

“Really?” Phoebe asked.

“Yeah,” Isie assured her, “We assumed you wouldn’t be coming today so we let you sleep.” She shrugged.

Phoebe got up from the ‘comfy’ place on the ground and straightened out, “Yeah, but I can’t sleep all day. I have to go search for Steven.” She walked to the mirror and chair, taking out her ponytail to brush it. She started to put it in the simple french braid like always.

Soon enough, there was a loud knock on the door. Abi said her quick ‘come in’ like every day. Phoebe shot her a panicked look and Abi flashed her an apologetic one, “Sorry, Phoebe,” she said, “It’s a habit.”

Phoebe didn't have time to answer as she jumped up from the chair. She hid behind the armoire and held her breath and the guards opened the door. The 9 nine other girls hurried out the door. Phoebe panicked again as she watched the door shut, but before it closed, she saw a black sneaker wedge between the opening. The sneaker’s owner shoved her book in the crack quickly before running off again.

Phoebe said a quick thank you to herself and the girl, who she thought was Abi. She recognized the tennis shoe of the intelligent girl.

Phoebe quickly changed into her original clothing from the day of the send-off. It consisted of blue stretchy jeans, a yellow shirt, topped with a cardigan in case she couldn’t find Steven that night, she would have something soft to sleep with. She left the black flats in the closet and chose her training shoes to wear for the search.

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