Eh?! Kazuki is Popular Amongst the Ladies!?

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The day seemed quite ordinary or so they thought. Sakura and Akina made their way on the usual path to school as Asahi drove by in her car.

"Wasn't that Asahi just there?" Akina asked

"I think so"

The girls said their greetings as they entered the different entrances to the school and Akina found Asahi waiting for her along with Rana.

"Mornin'!" Akina said waving her hands "No fights today I presume"

"Nope!" Rana said gleefully "But I plan on making her angry later"

The girls laughed at Rana "Did your brother come?" Akina asked

"Yup! He went to the principals office I think"

"It's going to be so weird seeing him around the school now" Asahi said

"You should have seen him this morning. He typically wakes up early but nope, Hanami and I had to drag him out"

"Eh, does he not like school?"

"Like school? He's an ace! Whenever our tutors gave us an exam, we always know he aced it"

"And let me guess, you never took it seriously" Akina said with a laugh

"You got that right!"

The girls made their way to the classroom but found that the path to the class was blocked by a bunch of girls.

"Did you see him!?"

"AHHH! He's so cute!"

"What class is he in?"

"I don't know, figure it out!"

The 3 stared at each other "huh?" Asahi blankly said

"Must be Kazuki"

"What makes you think that?" Akina wondered

"Please, he was popular back home too"

From the corners of their eyes they saw Kazuki who was surrounded by a bunch of girls. They all were trying to get his name, his phone number, what class he was in and basically every information about him. Even the boys found him cool.

"I wonder what club he's gonna join" one boy said

"We should ask him to join ours, imagine how much more popular we'll get!"

Without their knowledge, Rana had pushed her way through the crowd and yelled "MOVE!" Everyone was taken aback at this girl who stood in front of him.

"Who are you to say move?" A frustrated student asked

"His little sister, now scram"

Everyone took a good look at the two and found that they actually did look alike. With a sigh they made their way to their classrooms silently vowing that they'll get his attention later.

"Well, mister popular" Akina said as she clapped her hands "It's great isn't it. School"

He rolled his eyes "I'm only here to mind her" giving Rana a death glare "Don't start with your pranks while I'm here got it?"

"Yo. This is the best place to think of pranks on Hanami"


"Okay, go to class bye!"

Class was the same. The news of the day was the new handsome guy that suddenly made an appearance.

"Hey did you hear? Sena apparently has her eye on him, we gotta watch out now"

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