Let's Go! To the Shadow Lair

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The sun was beaming into the relaxed shop of Chanson. They all bathed in the summer sun as they ate ice cream and watermelons. It was a perfect day to be lazy. Akina suddenly got up to play soft music that filled the room. With the electric fan, with the soft piano sounds it felt like a great summers day.

"Now, this! This is the life" Rana said as she sank deeper into her chair as she ate what seemed to be her 6th ice cream.

"You ate so much" Yukine said in shock

"It's ice cream! Of course I am going to eat a lot!"

"Well that's a given" Hanami laughed

Izumi soon entered with a fan in her hand "today is super hot! let's do something fun"

"Oo! Like what! What should we do!" Yukine said as she began to bounce up and down

"Here you go!"

They all stood up and stared at what she brought. Big bags of water balloons.

"OH YES!" Asahi said as she punched the air

"Let's fill this up"

"I can do it!" Sakura said as she shot her hand right into the air

"Haha, alright then Sakura but obviously bring some help"

It seemed everyone was too eager on filling water balloons up that Izumi was left by herself with Akina who was still sitting at the piano.

"Playing some piano pieces?"

"I haven't practiced in a long time so I have gotten a little rusty"

"It sounded like you played rather perfectly just there"

"I made a few errors but I do play piano whenever I come here. Kazuki and I just sit here and do four hand piano playing or whatever"

"That's even more confusing though" Izumi said with a laugh

"I suppose it is"

The two watched the others happily fill up the water balloons "do we even have dry clothes?"

"Good question Akina" she laughed "well, we can always dry ourselves in the sun"

Few moments passed and they all managed to fill large tubs with water balloons. They split themselves into teams. The Amazaki siblings against Hi! Chance.

"No fair! You got a dude!" Asahi yelled

"He hits weak anyway so it's all good" Rana yelled back

"Okay, talk like I'm not standing here"

Without even a moments of hesitation, a water balloon fight soon took place that passer-byers stopped for a moment to see them all enjoying themselves. Izumi decided to join in on the fun and they soon slumped into the grass with their wet clothes as they gasped for air.

Yukine clapped with glee "That. was. so. fun"

"Now we are incredibly soaked" Shirana said as she stared at her clothing

"There are some spare changes of clothes in there so we can change into that" Sakura said as she stood up

They all got dried up and were lounging about just as Rana and Yukine both decided to stand up and start singing hysterically. The others began to clap along to the beat as Akina sat at the piano to play along with them and Kazuki played on the drums. Izumi laughed as Rana and Yukine held their mini concert, Sakura stood up too and began to participate as well as Shirana tried not getting second hand embarrassment. Their happiness was short lived as a dark shadow was suddenly cast over the room.

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