Revelation! We are Hi! Chance PreCure

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Letting the scheming couple off, they all happily reunited with Royal Sky and King Sage who they finally get to meet. All chattering, forgetting about what just happened, Cerise watched them with a melancholy look. Royal Sky was right, the upcoming battle was going to be a tough one. In movies, people could even lose their lives but she knew she wasn't going to let that happen. After all, she's only a 15 year old girl.

Watching her friends, she laughed as she saw them joking around and full of smiles. A relief had come off her shoulders the minute her parents knew what she was going through and she knew that they needed to tell their parents of what could be happening.

"Guys..." Cerise said causing everyone to turn their attention to her


"The next battle... could be the last one... right?"

All silent, they nodded. Realising the seriousness of the situation, they really couldn't say anything else.

"My parents know my identity now... do you think-" Cerise started off

"-we should tell our families?" Akina finished for her


"I think we should" Asahi agreed "our parents should now of what's happening, just in case"

"Just in case?" Akina raised a brow "we're not going to die"

"I know! But I said just in case..." Asahi whispered

"Regardless of what the outcome is at the end of it all, it'll be a good idea to get it off our consciousness. We trust our families and they should know what we're up to." Shirana said

"Indeed." Royal Sky smiled

"Let's get going then?" Cerise asked

All agreeing, they closed their eyes and found themselves back in Shinhigahara that was still full of snow. With the defeat of Hi! Queen, the Tomerunda's had all disappeared. Rummaging through the snow, they waved goodbye as they went to find their families.

Side by side, Shirana and Akina walked through the snow with Flake and Forte who were dangling on their shoulders. Reaching their home, they could hear Christmas music blasting on from the inside. Laughing, they took a deep breath and entered.

"We're home!" Akina yelled

"Welcome back!" Naki shouted "Grandma's making some cookies! Come and try them!"

Looking at each other, a grin appeared on their faces. Grandma's cookies were always the best. Welcomed by the cookie scent, the two girls sat at the kitchen table as they watched their grandmother cook.

"Wanna try the cookie dough?" Naki asked with his mouth clearly full

"Uh... no thanks" Shirana said with slight disgust

"Sure!" Akina grabbed the spoon off her brother

"Hey!" he yelled

"Akina. Naki." Hisako said "you'll get sick."

"But it's so good!" Akina grinned

PuriKyun: Hi! Chance PreCureWhere stories live. Discover now