Catch this Glittering Pounding Heart!

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"So you're meaning to tell me..." Sakura sat silently for what seemed like a hundred years. Her mind and her ears couldn't quite comprehend what she was just told.

"Yes. Yes." the voice laughed. Her thick dark blue hair moved slowly as she laughed. She fixed her skirt and looked seriously at them "Yes. I am the guardian. However, what gave it away?" The girl looked towards Shirana. Everyone else followed suit.

"Well, for a long period of time now, we continued to see a student move and up until this point... We had no idea who that was"

"Wait, that was you?!" Akina said with amazement in her voice

"Thank you for that Akina. Anyways, last night, I saw a gem had fallen down and as I moved my head I saw the person go pick it up"

"A gem?" Asahi wondered

"Yes but that wasn't what gave it away"

"I saw, a red uniform and.."

"And?" the others echoed in anticipation

"A camera"

The others looked at the girl in front of them who had a huge grin on her face.

"And of course the person with the camera, always wears the uniform and wields a gem is none other you, Nanami Aozora"

Nanami nodded in approval "Woah! as expected of Shirana Suzuno!"

"I always pictured the guardian or even Royal Sky to be some amazingly elegant and graceful being. Nanami was so not part of that image" Akina teased

"Smaller too" Asahi piped in

Nanami laughed "Ha-ha! Very funny but it was all a part of the disguise"

"Disguise?" Akina sat up

"Yep! Nanami Aozora is all a disguise and in no way my actual self. My real self is Royal Sky and Royal Sky alone"

"So what with the weirdo get up?"

"The siblings would have copped on if I appeared as I normally do. I wanted to be there with you all but to watch over you. I can do it but what's the point of you all existing if I'm doing all the work"

"So that's why there was always somebody moving" Sakura nodded slowly "So does that tell us you can't stay still or does that mean you had this all planned?"

"I wanted to tell you I was watching you but without being blatantly obvious about it. So I moved when you were looking at my direction"

"So whenever we were in trouble you could have helped us?" Akina asked

"Everyone gets stronger. You can't do it if I'm shadowing your abilities"

"Wow. The fact that this was your plan all along is still mind boggling"

"You're so cool!" Yukine clapped excitedly

"Never in a million years would I have thought it was you" Hanami exclaimed

Sakura paused and began to think "No wonder you asked me those strange questions..."

"I accidentally made it very obvious then" Nanami laughed

The others were enthusiastic after learning of the guardian's disguise but Sakura noticed a small figure in the corner. Unlike the others, she was away from them and quietly thinking in the corner. Sakura decided to approach her. Standing up quietly, she made her way to the purple haired lady and sat beside her with a smile "What's wrong Hyla?"

"Oh.. Sakura... Hey"

"You don't seem rather enthusiastic. Why are you not sitting with us?"

"Well... It's not like I don't want to but it's just..." Hyla's eyes made her way to the tall red haired male in the room who was happily talking with the others. Sakura's eyes followed her and nodded

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