Da capo: Aria for the Fall at Christmas

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Snow had covered the now peaceful town of Shinhigahara. Children played once again in the snowy grass, customers did their last minute shopping and importantly, families spent the time in each other's companies. The Amazaki siblings stood in awe at the wonderful sight that happened before them. Busy people surrounded them in the malls as they experienced Christmas for the first time.

"Wow! I want to eat everything!" Yukine exclaimed as she poked every candy cane on the trees

Hanami stepped back to watch everything unfold in front of her "I want to just take it all in"

"Well, she certainly is" Rana pointed at Yukine who was given a free candy cane by a passer-byer "Taking everything in"

The two giggled at their little sister who had no concept of a candy cane and tried to stuff the whole thing in her mouth.

"First of all, the wrapper must be taken off" Kazuki took the slightly soggy candy cane and unwrapped it

"Oh! That's why it was so weird!" After taking in the taste she smiled "I still like chocolate"

"You'd think she'd get a new obssession!" Rana laughed

Back at Chanson after their hurried shopping trip, Hanami excitedly sat by the Christmas tree and began to look through them all to find her name.

"I need to buy some presents!" She suddenly yelled out "I need to buy some for the girls!"

Izumi smiled at her as she sat at a counter holding some spare wrapping paper "Go buy some more wrapping paper while you're at it then Hanami"

"Bring Kazuki with you!" Mr. Sato yelled from the back of the store

"Yes, I was planning on going anyways"

"The girls will be here later after spending some time with their families so you have some spare time"

"Okay! Catch you guys later then!"

Mr. Sato and Izumi smiled at one another and glanced at the other two siblings in the room. While Rana spent most of her time at the fireplace, Yukine grabbed her boots for what seemed like the millionth time and headed out into the snow again.

"Peaceful. Isn't it Mr. Sato"

He nodded slightly "Indeed Miss. Saito.. Indeed"

Meanwhile, the duo outside trudged through the snow in their boots.

"So... much... snow!" Hanami slowly paced through the snow filled grass and found the path "Come on slow poke!"

"Right right"

Kazuki picked up his pace and made his way towards his sister who was patiently waiting for him.

"Hey, Kazuki"


"What presents are you buying?"

"I'm not really sure yet... You?"

"I don't know either" the two laughed as they stomped their feet on the ground as they arrived at the mall entrance. He shook his head as if he were a dog and rubbed his hair.

"Let's get going then shall we?"

"Yes! Let's go!"

Hanami picked things out easily, placing them into her shopping cart. She glanced up and stared at Kazuki who held nothing in his hands.

"Hey. Whatcha up to?"

"Just thinking... What do I get..."

"For Akina?"

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