Birthday Frenzy! Asahi's Honesty

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With the sun beaming into a bedroom, a certain blonde girl curled under her covers. Sleepily rubbing her eyes, she was greeted by a pile of presents wrapped on to the bottom of her bed. Jerking awake, she leaped out of the bed, surprising Sparkle who was asleep beside her.

"Asahi? ~paku" Sparkle sleepily mumbled

"Woah! Sparkle! Look at all of this!"

Sparkle looked up and her eyes widened when she saw all of the presents gathered on the bedroom floor. Asahi ruffled around and exclaimed in excitement.

"This one is from mom! Oh this one's from dad! Oh my aunt and uncle in Spain! Ah! My former tutor!" she shouted out as she read all the labels

"I see you're awake" Asahi's dad walked into the room with a smile on his face

Sparkle immediately jumped behind the blanket covers.

"Good morning dad!" Asahi gave him a big hug "Thank you so much!"

"Happy birthday, dear" he hugged her tight "now come downstairs and eat some breakfast"

Asahi sprinted out the door, leaving Genjirou to roll his eyes but he let out a small smile as he followed his excited daughter down the stairs. Downstairs, she was greeted by her butler who beckoned her towards a seat.

"Thank you!" she slid into her seat

"Calm down" Mayura laughed

"I'm sorry! I'm just so happy!" she hurriedly ate her breakfast before back upstairs to get dressed.

"Isn't she a little more wilder than usual today...?" Mayura asked Genjirou who had just managed to take his first bite as Asahi ran off

"It's her birthday" Genjirou grinned "lets leave her be"

Dressing, Asahi put Sparkle in her bag and the two dashed off outside.

"Come back by 2pm!" Mayura shouted "Don't wanna be late for your own party!"

"Okay!" and in the blink of an eye, Asahi was gone

Her parents couldn't help but sigh, they trusted their daughter to come back anyways.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

In the shadows, Lady Crimson paced around the room, clearly impatient and angered. Sawahiko and Miss. Iiena looked at each other.

"Say something..." Miss. Iiena hissed at him

"What? Why me?"

"Because she likes you better"

"At least you've acknowledged that" Sawahiko muttered "you still haven't got the stupid charms"

"You haven't gotten them either"

"Quiet!" Lady Crimson shouted out

The two bowed their heads as they stopped talking.

"Miss. Iiena..." Lady Crimson said as she walked towards her

"Yes?" Miss. Iiena held her breath

"I'm expecting results... my people are waiting and I can't leave them alone any longer"

"Yes, Lady Crimson. I will make sure not to fail you this time"

"You better not..." she paused "and... no faltering hearts"

Lady Crimson opened up a portal and watched Miss. Iiena slowly walk through. Looking down at Sawahiko her eyes narrowed.

"Those little girls will be getting stronger and stronger by the minute... make sure you do too."

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