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As soon as Dean parks the Impala in front of the old, abandoned house, Roxanne flings her door open. Her boots crunch on the gravel, and she glances over at the brothers as they exit the car. The hunters move to the trunk, and Dean props the lid open with a sawed-off shotgun. He pulls out three tasers.

"What do you got those amped up to?" Sam asks.

"A hundred thousand volts."


Roxanne whistles.

"Yeah, I want this rawhead extra freakin' crispy," Dean grunts. "And remember, you only get one shot with these things. So make it count."

The hunters move through the derelict house, aiming flashlights around the place. The walls have grown old and dingy, and the trim and baseboards are crumbling. The floor is soft in some places, but they press on. They come to a staircase leading down to the basement, and Dean illuminates the rickety stairs.

He takes the lead, and Roxanne follows Sam down, keeping a careful watch behind them. They reach the floor of the basement, fanning out to examine on their own. A rather loud thud has the three aiming at an old armoire against the far wall. They step closer, and Dean, never taking his eyes off the doors, whispers.

"On three... One... Two... Three!"

Dean rips the door open, and the three aim their tasers inside.

Roxanne's eyes soften, and she's the first to lower her weapons. A young girl and boy are hidden inside, and they shriek. As Sam and Dean lower their tasers, the children uncover their ears.

"Is it still here?" Sam asks.

The boy nods, and Roxanne and Dean each move forward. She holds her hand out to the girl, helping her out of the cabinet.

"Okay. Grab your sister's hand," Dean whispers to the boy. "Come on, we're gonna get you outta here. Let's go, let's go."

Dean keeps watch as Sam and Roxanne approach the stairs with the kids. "Alright, go!"

Sam rushes up the stairs with the boy, and Roxanne follows with the girl. When they're only halfway up the basement stairs, something grabs Sam's leg. He falls, and Roxanne stops short, holding her arms out for balance. The little girl screams.

Dean yells, aiming his taser. "Sam!"

"Run!" Roxanne shouts to the kids.

She pushes the little girl past Sam, and the kids run up the remaining stairs. Roxanne grabs Sam's waist, pulling him free and helping him up. Dean fires his taser but misses.

"Get 'em outta here!"

"Here! Take this!" Sam responds, tossing his taser to Dean.

Roxanne and Sam rush up the stairs, catching up to the kids quickly and ushering them through the abandoned house.

Dean moves slowly around the basement, shining his flashlight around objects and into corners.

"Come on!"

He jumps as the hairy creature attacks him, shoving him back. He falls, dropping his taser and flashlight in the process. As the rawhead quickly advances, he scrambles across the room, splashing through puddles of stale water. He snatches his taser from the concrete and fires from his position on the ground. Dean realizes his mistake too late. He thinks about the puddle only half a second before the current courses through his veins.

Sam and Roxanne find the front door, and Roxanne's chest begins to ache. Her gut twists itself, and she gasps.


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