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"No, Dad was in California last we heard from him. We just thought... He comes to you for 'munitions.... Maybe you've seen him in the last few weeks. Just... call us if you hear anything," Sam frowns, glancing across the motel room.

Dean rests in one chair, his legs kicked up into the one next to him, and Roxanne paces in the corner, biting her lip.

"Thanks anyway," she sighs, flipping her phone shut.

Sam follows her lead. "Thanks."

"You bet."

As Sam hangs up, Dean looks at him anxiously.

"Caleb hasn't heard from him?"

"Nope. And neither has Pastor Jim."

"What about Jefferson?" Dean asks, casting a hopeful look at Roxanne.

She shakes her head, disappointed.

"What about the journal? Any leads in there?" Sam asks.

"No, same as last time I looked. Nothing I can make out," Dean chuckles. "I love the guy, but I swear, he writes like friggin' Yoda."

"You know, maybe we should call the Feds. File a missing person's."

"We've talked about this. Dad would be pissed if we put the Feds on his tail," Dean shoots down Sam's idea.

"I don't care anymore."

Dean's phone rings, and he gets up to go dig through his duffel.

"After all that happened back in Kansas, I mean... He should've been there, Dean! You said so yourself. You tried to call him, and nothing."

"I know!" Dean scowls, continuing to rummage through his bag. "Where the hell is my cell phone?"

Sam is quiet for a second, giving Roxanne a skeptical look. She shakes her head, doing her best just to stay out of it. She's finally made some real progress with Dean, and she's not about to ruin it now.

"You know, he could be dead for all we know."

"Don't say that! He's not dead! He's- he's..."

"He's what? He's hiding? He's busy?" Sam demands skeptically.

Dean flips open his phone, staring at it blankly for a moment. Then, he let's out a breathy chuckle.

"Huh. I don't believe it."

Roxanne glances between the brothers. Sam sits on their bed, and Dean sits down on the other one. She crosses the room and sits down next to Dean. "What is it?"

"It's, uh... It's a text message. It's coordinates."

"I swear, if it's another hunter, I'm out," Roxanne scowls. "I can barely handle you two."

Sam chuckles. It takes Dean only moments to reach for Sam's laptop and take a seat at the table. Sam watches him closely.

"You think Dad was texting us?"

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