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'luke' she groaned 'get up, lazy butt'

'lazy butt? really?' he laughed as she sighed in relief.

he rolled onto his back and stretched, cringing when he heard the faint pop of his shoulder.

'come on let's go get something to eat. im starving' she groaned. she hadn't been able to get into her stash since luke was always with her and there is no way that he could know.

he would think she was crazy and leave. it's not like he had anywhere to go.

'then fine' he said standing up 'let's go' he smiled showing his dimple that almost made bella melt right then and there.

'at least put on a shirt' she laughed as luke peered down at himself, seeing that he only had sweatpants on.

'we'll it's not my fault someone used my shirt as pajamas last night' he smirked at her shirt, causing her to quickly cross her arms over her chest as he reached into his bag and grabbed a black tee shirt and threw it on.

'but im not even close to being done!' she whined 'i have to do my hair and put something else on and do my ma-'

'you're beautiful just they way you are okay?' he laughed and flicked bella on the shoulder.

she huffed and nodded. there was no point in arguing against luke because he would win anyways. she threw her hair into a high pony tail as fast as she could and walked out, both of them in thier own little world.


they were both in a conversation when a very familiar head of dark hair came in with a very unfamiliar blonde bimbo under his arm.

she was giggling at him and bella didn't even know her gaze was fixated on the two until luke's voice poked through her thoughts.

'earth to bella?' he laughed and her ears perked up and she sent a small smile.

'what?' she laughed

'you zoned out on your friend over there' he nodded towards calum 'looks like he is doing the same' he chuckled a bit lower so he wouldn't be kicked out of the place.

as bella turned her head slowly, her eyes met the brown ones as she gave a shy smile and turned to luke, who was biting on the piece of metal attached to his lip with a light pink, flushed face.

luke felt his stomach drop at the sight of him. like i said earlier, he didn't get good vibes from this guy.

he couldn't help it, this calum guy just strolls in and all attention is on him. things like that didn't happen to luke, but he wished it did.

'sorry' she looked down at her hands that were working on her bracelets, pulling on them and switching their order.

'it's okay bella' he sent a fake grin.

'i-i can leave if you want to talk to him'

her head snapped up and shook rapidly and he just nodded

'how about we go home' he smiled and pulled out a tip, leaving the crumpled money on the table.

she stood up and glanced over to calum, who was sending them a look.

if looks could kill, they'd by ran over a million times by a truck.

she looked at luke who was sending the same look towards the table. but the stare wasn't at calum.

it was the blonde.

'luke?' she asked as they walked out and his reply was a hum.

'who was that?'

'no one' he smiled and hopped in her mother's car.

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