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'you need to spend more time here!' her mother yelled, pulling at her dark hair.

'b-but mom it's one night!' bella cowered, her shoulders tensing up at her mother's sudden outburst. she never really liked fighting. at all.

'what ever happened to calum? he went away for a few years and you two just suddenly hate each other..-'

'we don't hate each other..-' bella cut her off, interrupted by her mother right after.

'i don't understand, bell! you can't just keep leaving whenever you want!' she raised her voice even louder.

'no i don't understand you!' bella matched her mother's tone 'you left me everyday! you left me alone when i needed you! when the voices became too much or i craved food i needed you! but guess what,' she spat.

'you weren't there.'

'honey, i know..' her maria trailed off, trying desperately to find the right words, but failing miserably.

'im trying to do what's best for you. you need to understand that people in this world don't care about others' feelings. they love and hate, and that's what makes us human.'

bella scoffed, finding her mother as a hypocrite in the situation.

maria had been through enough pain. she didn't want what had happened to her to happen to her poor daughter. finding the man she loved, then finding that he loved someone else. someone skinnier, prettier.

just better.

she believed that love and hate were so close to each other, but far away at the same time. love was a feeling of joy, something that made one happy. but with love came heartbreak, moments of hate. even times where you hate the one you loved most. they were two completely different emotions, but close.

'honey.. i just don't want your heart broken' maria sighed in defeat.

bella rolled her eyes, fed up with her mother. why couldn't she just understand? but of course when someone who she (finally and actually) cared about came around, her mother was some love freak.

'im going over there mom. please just let me tonight' her eyes flickered from the floor to the lady in front of her constantly, trying to avoid her eyes.

'fine, but be at the shop in the morning. i miss seeing your beautiful face in there' her mother cooed, fighting back the urge to tuck a strand of her hair behind bella's ear.

bella replied with an eye roll, grabbing her phone, headphones, and the crumpled ten laying on the table. she didn't need clothes since she would throw on one of luke's t shirts as usual.

'tomorrow morning' she mumbled and closed the door tugging on the ends on her sleeves, gripping the ends in place with her fingers. the increasingly freezing weather outside was making her colder than normally.

after the awkward bus ride, bella stepped off the nearly deserted public transportation and walked the short distance to the apartment complex.

as the faint tune of somewhere in neverland played in her earbuds, the wind picked up slowly, blowing her hair behind her, her eyes watering slightly due to the air.

stepping into the apartment complex she waved to the man, her cheeks tinted pink from the cold.

after the short elevator ride she walked down to the same cream colored door, counting how many rooms she passed for no real reason.

her cold fist knocked on the door, but to her dismay, there was no answer. the long hallway was quiet and seemed unpopulated.

reaching for the knob, she twisted. the door creaked open slowly as bella peered inside.

that's when she saw some thing she never wanted to see.

luke standing with a short bottle blonde in his arms, their lips molded together hungrily against each other.

her mother was right, as always.

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