A note from the other side

944 41 27

Hans POV

"Life as king of Arrendale is good.

My throne is nicely polished, my servants do everything for me, and I can just sit and relax all day.

Then why do I feel that something is missing?"

The shrink lowers his glasses as if the answer to my problems was obvious.

"Well sire," He says in a soft, almost raspy voice. "I believe you are feeling....lonely. Think of the last time you were truly happy. What were you doing?"

"Hmm I was in charge of the kingdom. When Anna said that she trusted me enough to leave me to her people.... I was.....ecstatic."

"So you were with Anna? And when you get she trusted you.... You were happy?"


"Well sire, when we feel that we are able to be trusted with something or someone, it makes us have more self-worth. Maybe that's what you're missing. Something to take care of."

My face scrunches up in confusion.

"But I have this whole kingdom to take care of. That's more than most people will ever have."

"Your highness, that is all political, business responsibility. You need something more....personal. Like a pet, a wife.....a child perhaps?"

My face lights up.

"Of course...... Something to care for."

I thank the doctor and head out the door.

I travel down the corridors and zigzag down the fifteen flights of stairs to the room where I keep my most precious item.

I shuffle my hands around in my pocket for a small golden key. As I touch the giant metal door, frost licks at my fingertips. I turn the key and open the heavy barricade to me and my prized possession.

A wave of intense cold hits my face.

"Ah. I didn't expect to see you here." I whisper.

I laugh at my own joke.

"I'm sorry it had to come to this. I really did love you. You just got in my way. I know she's your sister but was it really worth it? Sacrificing your heart for her? Don't worry though, dearie. I'll make it up to you. And one day you'll be mine again. You'll be my queen."

I gently stroke the frozen princess' cheek as I head out the door.

"Goodnight........ Anna."




Yeah I'm sorry guys. Kinda hate myself for writing this one. But trust me, this has a HUGE play on the plot that I'm getting into.

Guess y'all just have to wait and see what happens!

Love ya muffins!


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