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"Bloody night

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"Bloody night."

The black mazda sat outside the apartment building

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The black mazda sat outside the apartment building. The crew's trip had came to an end and the boys were back home. She made laps around the apartment conversing on the phone while he sat on the couch cradling their daughter. He was tired due to the previous weekend of partying but he had to see is daughter since he hadn't seen her in little over a month.

"If you're gonna make this a habit you should just stop coming to see her." She crossed her arms standing in front of her child's father.

He forrowed his eyesbrows "You talkin' ta me?" Maybe it was the lack of sleep, he was confused about what she was trying to say.

"Yes I'm talking to you. If you think you're going to keep popping up after going weeks and months without even attempting to see her on a facetime call.. You should stop coming because you're obviously not interested in your daughter."

He sighed shaking his head "Ima go put her down."

Pictures were scattered about on the carpet, Bree sat indian style on the floor. She smiled staring at the pictures, they were old ones from when her and her siblings were children. She wished she could go back to those days, the days where there were no stress. Before her mom and sister died, maybe she would've been a better daughter and big sister if she could start over.

She let out small sigh tracing over the picture. Bree blamed Riley's death on herself simply because she shouldn't of hung up when Riley called. If only she had just put their differences to the side and talk to her. But what's the purpose of thinking about what ifs? What's the purpose of sitting around when the person who brutally murdered your sister is roaming the city free?

She was about to do something that she would regret. She yucked the coat off of the kitchen island, she slipped it on. Zipping up the coat she exited the apartment. The pain she felt was abnormal her heart felt like a shredded piece of paper. All left was memories.

The two young parents were in the middle of a screaming match "This why i hate comin' over hea' you always got some shit to say!" His voice boomed

"Its because you don't give a fuck about your child! You barely come and see her!"

He let out a breath "Maria.. I'm a busy man i just don't sit around I be workin'."

"Busy huh!? Yea right.. even if you were busy you still can make time for your child bro!"

Shamar sighed although she was still screaming at him he somehow found a way to calm himself down. "I love Sky and ain't no one gonna change that. You can scream at me about not being here as much but I'm still her father and you can't take her a way from me." With that, he stood up towering over Maria "Get that shit in ya' head."

She rolled her eyes with her hands on her waist "Get the fuck out of my face boy! You don't think i get tired of watching her 24/7? Shit you don't think that maybe she wanted to be with you for once? Have you ever thought about these things?"

For a second he paused "Ima head home." He grumbled.

She grabbed a hold of his arm "No! Answer me!"

The two stared at each other as the tension increased. "You haven't.. You know why? Because you don't give a fuck!"

Instead of responding with words, he pressed his lips against hers. Her face softened as she placed her hands on his face. Their kiss of lust ended when the phone began to buzz in his backpocket.

Her chest heaved up and down, her lips quivered. Her eyes widened staring at the blood pool. She couldn't believe it she actually killed him. "I killed him." She whispered slowly stepping back she dropped the weapon that she used on the ground.

Pulling out the cellphone she called the only person that could solve her problem. "Please pick up the phone, please pick up the phone."



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