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Blurred streets, he stumbled along the sidewalk clutching his stomach

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Blurred streets, he stumbled along the sidewalk clutching his stomach. His world was slowing down, it felt like death. His body collapsed on the cold concrete causing a loud tump. People walked pass him as if he weren't there crying for help.

His eyes widened, his chest tightened he couldn't believe it. A monstrous shade of darkness covered him, he looked his own demon in the eye. He hollered..

His eyes shot open, his chest heaved up and down. It was all one hell of a dream. Shamar pealed himself off of the sofa standing to his feet. What did that mean?

Her legs were propped into the air, her loud moans bounced off of the walls. He gripped her thighs while his tongue roamed her parts. Interrupting their session the cellphone rang.

He lifted his wet face from between her legs turning to the annoying cellphone. "It's yours."

She groaned rolling off of the bed clasping the cellphone in her palm. She slipped into the robe entering the bathroom where she took a seat on the jacuzzi tub. Pressing the phone against her ear she rolled her eyes "Hello?"


"Yes this is she. What do you want Shamar?"

"Whea' you at?"

"Not home."

Hs sighed shaking his head "I miss you."


"Is you serious right na'?"

"What do you want Shamar!?"

"I wanna ask you somethin'."

"Ask away."

"Do you love me?"

"Wow! I'm not doing this with you!" She hung up.

Shamar slammed the cellphone on the counter. After everything he did for her she couldn't atleast say that she loved him. She treated him as if he were a total stranger. They did things together they buried a man together, they robbed a gas station together. Whenever she needed him he was there together or not and she was never there for him.

If he was going to do this thing tonight then he would need her by his side. But how was that supposed to happen when she's out of the country with another man.

She stared at him observing his tattoos specifically the one on his back. "Skepta? Is that what you want me to call you?"

"For now."

Somehow her mind wandered off to Shamar. Ofcourse she loved him. But she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction by saying it. So right now she would have to push her feelings to the side and continue to live life the best way she knew how. She had to put her guard up she couldn't have Shamar breaking her walls down.

Pieces of cocaine were spreaded out on the coffee table along with other drugs Jack took. Smoke clouded the ceiling, Shamar paced back and forth puffing on his cannabis. "We doin' this shit tonight, we have to."

"What if we fuck up?"

"We never fuck up!"

"I'm just saying first time for everything."

"Is you scared Jack?"

Jack blew smoke from his nostrils waving his friend off "I'm just saying you probably doing this shit because of you know who and things might not be like how you think."

Shamar paused "So you wanna work for him?"

"Nah man i wanna do what you wanna do."

"Ok so we robbing him, tonight."


Its about to go down.

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