Chapter 1

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Michael's POV

My mum let out a frustrated sigh as the the noise in the apartment above us began to drown out the sound of our TV. I turned it off.

"Michael. Please, please, ask our northern neighbor to quiet down. I cannot even hear myself think." She rubbed her temples, as she always did when she got headaches. Which was all the time.

"Why do I have to do it?" I pouted, crossing my arms. I've never talked to the guy before, only catching brief glimpses while walking throughout the building.

"You have to do it because I am your mother and I told you to." She firmly spoke, and I knew she meant business. If I stalled any longer, who knows what could've happened to me?

I stood up from our cozy burgundy couch and shuffled to the door, opening it. The chaos on the upper floor continued. I walked the grueling 14 steps to the second floor and knocked on apartment 2-A. The mahogany wooden door opened immediately, as if someone had been waiting for me all along.

I was met with such clear blue eyes you would think I was looking into the ocean. But these eyes. They weren't calm as you would think they might be. They held something dangerous and frightening, that I did not care to know about.

"What do you want?" His voice boomed angrily. I winced slightly at the unnecessary loudness of it, but regained my calm disposition.

"My-my mum she -uh - she asked if you could please quiet d-down, well, because.. you're quite loud." My shaky voice completely betrayed my artificial boldness.

"Oh," He almost looked serene. Almost. "Well you know what you can tell your 'mum'?" His evil sneer was back. I crossed my arms and looked down to the wooden floorboards. Is everything in these apartments made of wood? Geez, what a fire hazard.

Realizing he wanted an answer, I asked: "What?"

"Fuck off." He finished before slamming the door in my face.

"Rude prick" I whispered as I descended down the staircase to our apartment. I shut the door loudly when I came inside, causing mum to yell my name out and ask how it went.

"Great," I lied plainly. "He's really nice. He said he'll try to keep it down," I smiled as another crashing sound was heard from upstairs.

(A/N hiiii :) this is my first Muke fanfic and I have extremely high hopes for it. Oh and there will be smut. Maybe not soon, but there will be. I always write crap fanfics even though I am a good writer, so hopefully this is different :)  )

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