Chapter 3

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Luke's POV

I sat on the floor, hands covering my frustrated face. I felt so mortified. I had just met this boy with the cotton candy hair, and now he'll probably leave within seconds.

I lifted my head and ran my fingers through my blonde quiff. "Michael, I'm sorry. I... I dont even know what to s-"

"I thought," he interjected, "I thought my name was Mikey."

I was glad the subject was changed and therefore smirked at the boy, "I thought you didnt want to be called that."

"I dont k-know.. I like the way you say it. Its like you've know me for ages and we've always been friends." He looks down to his fingers,  pulling at a loose thread protruding from my couch.

"I like your hair, Mikey," I announced as I slowly rose from my spot on the carpet. I sit back down next to him on the plush couch and place my open palm upon his shoulder. He flinches.

I automatically retract my hand, "Sorry. I wont ever hurt you, I promise." I furrow my eyebrows and look down at my black vans, an awkward silence lying thick in the air between us.

"People break promises all the time," he whispered, as his olive eyes pierced through my lifeless baby blues.


Soon, Mikey left and I was stranded alone in my apartment once more. I could tell he wanted to leave as soon as possible, and honestly, I didnt blame him. I was scary. A monster. I couldnt control it, and knowing that infuriated me.

My old friends had always called it 'The Hulk Effect': I would be fine one moment, then start ripping peoples limbs off in another. I hated it.

No matter how many medications or how much therapy I accepted, it could never be subdued. It is the reason why my old friends are now my old friends. It pushes everybody away. Even my family, who promised to stay by me, forced me out of the house the second I turned 18.

But I wanted to know Mikey. No, I yearned to know about the bubble gum boy. Every string and wire of my beating heart needed to know him. What made him tick, what his favorite songs were, his favorite color. Him.

But I know.

I know that I will hurt him. I know it because no matter how much passion and care I had for someone, my inner beast came out when I least expected it. It always caused them to run away. They never gave me another chance. They never understood.

What makes Michael different?

A/N hello. Um. So I hope you liked this extremely short chapter that took me like an hour to write. Hehe. Oh, and thank you to @forcenturies for being the first person EVER to comment or vote on my story :)

Im going to my first concert tomorrow omg (Demi Lovato) ahhhhhhh

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