Chapter 8

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Michaels POV

After eating at a local café, Luke and I walk back to the arena, laughing and talking about random things.

"Favorite color?" I raise an eyebrow at Luke.

He places a finger on his chin, as if it was one of the most groundbreaking and difficult questions of the century, "Pink. Bubblegum pink."

"Why pink?" I then clear my throat, "Oh- I mean pink is such a manly color, but..." I smirk.

"Hey, shut up. But if you must know, its because of your hair. You have completely remolded my thoughts about the color pink," Luke reaches over and runs a hand through my cotton candy strands, messing them up.

"Yeah, okay. Just dont touch my hair," I use my phone as a mirror, fixing my lovely locks.

"Whats your favorite color?" Luke then asks after a long, comfortable silence.

"Blue," I immediately respond.

He groans, shaking his head, "Such a typical boy color."

"Its because of your beautiful eyes, Lukey," I mock teasingly, leaning my head on Lukes shoulder.

"Hey, if your gonna be mean. We cannot be friends, Mikey."

I pick up my head and walk in front of Luke, stopping him in his tracks. I grip his shoulders, "Okay, how about boy friend?" I smile.

"Youre smart, young one. Okay, if you want that, we can do that," Luke leans toward me, placing his full lips lightly upon my nose.

"Ha ha. You can be so dumb Luke. Im sixteen, first off. Second, I just met you, what, 3 days ago? You dont get me that easy," I turn, walking away from Luke.

After a few seconds, I feel his warm hand land on my shoulder, "I'll have to try harder, then."


...You can take my life, but you can't take it with you!

All Time Low finished the last song, 'Poison', and all of the lights went out. Screams of excitement echoed throughout the venue, and Luke and I struggled to squeeze through everyone to reach the exit and avoid traffic on the way home.

Luke and I had our fingers intertwined to prevent us losing each other as he lead us through the  crowd. I was smiling incredibly wide, having just witnessed All Time Low basically sing into my soul.

Once we were in the parking lot, we were about to enter Lukes car when I heard a nasally voice call my name.

"Michael! Michael." The voice persisted, and I soon felt a tug on my arm, causing me to finally spin on my heels to face whoever it was.


"I definitely did not expect you to be here, Michael. What a coincidence!" She excitedly talks, again wrappin her arm around my shoulder, just like at school the other day.

"Well, I have to go. Goodbye," I flick her off of me, as if she was a pestering fly, and quickly walk to the passenger side door. Unfortunately, she beat me to it, spinning me back around.

"You can't leave me, boyfriend," her eyes wide and her lips pouty.

"Uh, boyfriend?" I hear a deep voice ask from behind me.

Before I could even open my mouth, Lola rudely interjects, "Um yeah, hes myboyfriend. And you are?" She narrows her eyes at Luke.

"Me? Oh, I'm Leaving." Luke abrubtly walks around the car, quickly opening the drivers side door.

"No, Luke. Im not her boyfrie-" Im cut off by gross dry lips trying to suffocate mine. Oh my god. This girl is trying to ruin my damn life.

I hear the car's engine roar to life, and I hastily break away from Lola.

I look through the car window to see Luke wiping an endless stream of tears flowing from his eyes. No, please, I think. I could literally feel my heart breaking as I saw Luke, my Lukey, crying.

Because of me.

No. Because of her.

"God! " I spin around furiously as Luke drives off. "What the flying fuck is wrong with you!"

She smirks as she crosses her little arms over her chest. "Its not even a big deal Michael, c'mon. Its not like he was your gay lover or something," she chuckles.

"Well.." I fumble on my words, "maybe I wanted him to be. But no. Youve ruined any chance I have with him, now. I.. hate you. I mean, I always have, but now I can't even bear to look at you." I turn away, noticing the wet streaks that decorated my pale cheeks right at that moment.

"Wait, youre gay?" I hear pure confusion in her voice.

Was I gay? All the years of not feeling the same way about girls as my friends, and never having a girlfriend. Did that make me gay?

Yes, I guess it did. Yet, I didnt truly acknowledge this fact until I met Luke.

"Yes," I confidently announce, my chest pushed out with pride, "Im gay."

Slowly, her face transitions from confusion to raw disgust, "Y-youre a queer? Thats so gross. I... ew."

My stomach sinks. Sure, this might mean she'll leave me alone now, but the feeling of not being accepted... it was way worse than anything ive ever felt.

In an instant, her phone is out and shes furiously typing away at the screen.

"What are you doing?" I question.

"Telling everyone you're a dyke. Its disgusting."

Upon hearing this, I feel my whole world crumbling down. Besides Ashton, I didn't have any friends. I mean, no one bullied me either, but who knows what will happen after this?

"I.. how dare... I mean.." I had nothing left to say, so I just turned and ran.

I ran and ran until I felt like all of the oxygen in the world had gone on vacation, leaving me breathless and gasping for air. Finally, I came to a halt at a stoplight, blocks from the arena.

I sat on a nearby bench, tears flowing faster than my small hands could wipe them away.

Just.. why?

Why did the world hate me?

And of course, I didn't have any money for the bus, and my phone was dead. Of course.

As if my prayers had been answered, a vaguely familiar car pulls up to the curb.

The driver pokes their brunette head of hair out, smiling at me, "Michael Clifford, is that you?"


Hiii xx

Um so can you believe my WWA concert is iN 5 FRICKIN DAYS??

bc I cant

Ohh and you guys should check out my YouTube channel: Rhayne James

Okay thats it:)

Hope you all loved this kimda long chapter with a large amount of drama like omg

Alright im out, peace. *peace sign bc I can*

Farewell :)

- r h a y n e

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