Chapter 11

294 26 11

Michael POV

I let our a sigh of relief as I wipe a few droplets of perspiration off of my warm face. "That was hard."

Luke raises his eyebrows at me, " Uh, Mikey? We cleaned in like 30 minutes, how do you look like you ran a 5k marathon already?"

I pout and cross my pale arms, "Considering the fact that I've never played a sport before, and I am always home playing video games, I think I have a right to act like this."

...tell my voice what it takes to speak up, speak up, and keep my conscience clean...

I hear Jasey Rae by All Time Low emanating from the speakers of my phone, charging on Lukes night table.

I walk over, checking Caller ID. Mum.

I pick up my phone, "Hi, Mum."

"Michael? Are you getting ready for bed? Its almost time for your bedtime," she shouts, as if she was yelling at me from across a room, instead of just talking on the phone. I hear Luke chuckle behind me, and I quickly turn around and flip him off with a smirk.

"Y-yeah, uh. Im was laying down when you called. G'nite." I was about to press the End button when my mothers voice nearly ripped the speaker in half.


I cringed, holding the phone an arm length away as Luke fell onto his bed, holding his stomach from laughter.

I quickly tapped the End button, tossing my phone across the room. Luke stood up, wiping tears away from his eyes.

"Shut up, Luke," I joked, playfully pushing his shoulder.


I squinted my eyes into the dark living room I layed in. Lukes living room.

Yeah, if you thought I was going to sleep in Luke's bed, you are terribly mistaken, my comrade.

I rub my face and look up at the fluorescent green  that painted the numbers on the digital clock above the tv. 3:47.

I silently groan, trying to unmake the world and create darkness again where I could peacefully slumber. Ever since, like, 4 years ago, I've been waking up in the middle of the night and I hate it.

Of course, after what seemed like forever, I dont fall back asleep and open up my eyes again. 3:49.

I grab my phone, unlocking it and texting the only person that could possibly be up at this hour.

To: Calum

uh, im pretty sure u are but.. u up? im bored.

Without even a moments notice, the soft hum of a vibration shakes my hand as Calums response appears before my eyes.


Yes im up u lil thing but there is a thing called sleep u should try it. you act as if its the fookin afternoon when really the sun isnt even awake yet like rlly bruh chill

I scoff at the message, placing my hand over my heart in faux-offense. I text back a sad face before hearing the crash and clutter of things falling loudly, followed by muttered obscenities.

"Luke?" I ask, except instead of coming out smoothly like normal, it came out crackly and rough like sandpaper. Side affect of just waking up. Goddamn.

"Huh-Mikey, why are you up?" I see Luke's silhouette materialize. His tall, lanky figure awash in the pale moonlight that's dancing its way in through the half-open blinds.

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