Chapter 12

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Michael POV

I rub my eyes, groaning at the pounding in my brain. Ouch.

"You're up," I hear a deep voice beside me. I turn to find a brunette boy with rich chocolate eyes and olive skin. Calum.

I slightly turn the corner of my mouth up into a pained smile, "Hi."

"Hi? Thats all? Can you please explain how this-" he gestured encompassingly at my body, smothered in white sheets, "-happened?"

I search my mind for any memory of what could've went on to put me in this position, "Luke."

"Yeah, because I automatically know who 'Luke' is, thanks mate," the older boy sarcastically rolls his eyes.

"Will he get in trouble? I dont want to get Lukey in trouble..." I ignore Calums previous statement.

"Michael Gordon Clifford, you're talking gibberish now. Clear your head. Who did this?"

"His name.. is Lukey." I smile up at the boy towering over me.

" 'Luke' what!?" Calums eyes go wide as he shakes his hands frantically.

"I forgot... oh! Hemmings!" I facepalm myself. "Lucas Robert Hemmings."

Calums jaw drops upon hearing the name, and I hand him a perplexed stare.

He opens his mouth, but takes several seconds for any sound to escape, "Luke Hemmings? B-by any chance, would this Luke have blonde hair and a... lip ring?" I nod, and all the color drains from Calums face, causing him to appear ghostly."Why?"

"He's not someone you should be hanging out with, Michael. H-how did you two meet?"

"He lives above me in my apartment complex. Why... shouldn't I hang with him, And how do you know him?" My wide eyes stare up at the slightly older boy.

"He's trouble, okay? He.. can hurt you. More severely than this." he points to the gauze wrapping around my bubblegum head.

I sigh. Luke cant-- wont do that, would he? "What do you know Calum, shut up." I snap.

His grip on my forearm tightens, "Michael, you listen to me, and you listen well. Stay away from Luke. I have never done anything bad for you, so trust me, okay?"

I close my eyes, anger bubbling inside the depths of me, "No."

"Wait--what?" He steps back.

"You heard me." I retaliate.

"You know what? You're giving me so much shit just because i want to protect y-"

"I don't need fucking protection! Im not your son, okay? Just leave me alone if all you're gonna do is control me." I struggle as I get into a sitting position.

Before Calum could open his lips, a nurse in yellow scrubs walks in, "Good to see you up. Sorry to interrupt-- Mr. Clifford, you have a visitor. May I let him in?" I nod.

After the nice woman left, Calum turned to me, and if looks could kill, i would be dead. "Fine, Michael. Don't listen to me, thats okay. Just... don't come crawling back when you find out that I'm right." He then spun on his heel as he headed toward the door and the door flipped open, revealing a purple haired boy with Band-Aids covering his wrists from where i put them. Luke.

"Calum." Luke narrowed his eyes at my friend, "What are you doing here?"

"I was just leaving, if thats alright." the tan boy bitterly replies as he slides out of the cold room, leaving only my attacker and I. Though I couldn't come to terms with the fact he was technically my "attacker". Not yet.

"Michael... let me explain." the tall boy sits in the faux leather chair beside the hospital bed.

I nod. His eyes, they seemed so.. apologetic. I couldn't help but let him speak.

"So.. actually there is no excuse, but I just.. Im sorry. Mikey, Im so, so sorry. I let my temper get the best of me. I-I don't know what it is, but Ive always been like that. Ill be happy one moment, and ripping apart the earth anoth--"

"Isn't that, like, bipolar disorder?" I interject.

"Thats what the doctors first assumed, but then they realised its much more complex and severe. They don't know what to call it, and don't have anything to subdue the symptoms. So Im stuck like this," his bright blue eyes look to the linoleum floor, ashamed.

"Thats okay." I say, and he glances up to me, a confused look sprawled across his face. "You cant control it, Luke. I cant hold that against you."

Tears spring up in his eyes, and soon the salty water in streaming down his pale cheeks, "Mikey, thank you. You're the first to say that ever."

I reach over, rubbing Luke's broad shoulder, smiling slightly.

A thought arrives in my head, and I create enough courage to ask Luke, "H-how do you know Calum?"

"Oh," Luke stumbles on his words, "I dated his sister"

"What." I deadpan. It didn't even come out like a question, more like a statement. "Aren't you gay?"

"I used to be bisexual.. but then.. yeah. I don't know. I just eventually stopped liking girls altogether."


"What happened between you two?" I persist.

"I..uh. Lost my temper while driving her home one night and soon lost control of the car. She--she... I cant say it."

I filled in the blank myself, and silently gasped, "Im sorry."

"Yeah. Yeah. I don't think about it, so its okay. Forgetting is my chance at sanity. Its everyones, really." He nods, and I understand him completely.

"Thankfully," he continues, "they didn't press any charges. I would've never met you."

I blush as he runs his fingers along my forearm, then brushing his soft nose against my inner elbow, "Im an idiot, Mikey. Im sorry for putting you in this position."

"Stop. Its fine, okay?" I begin getting upset with him getting so mad with himself.

The same nurse from before enters, "Sir, Im afraid you have to leave. We have a few questions to ask your friend." she politely talks to Luke. He nods before giving me a reassuring smile and striding out.

"Okay.. Mr.Clifford. First off, who did this? Would you like to press charges?"

I close my eyes and breathe and unmake the world. The answer seemed so simple and easy, yet my mind was telling me, tell her. Something told me this will happen again if i said nothing.

Yet, I cant betray Luke. I cant.

"No one did this," I find the words coming out of my mouth smoothly, "I slipped and simply bumped my head. Ill be fine."

I'll be fine.



it feels good to be back

*Guess who's back back again I am back tell a friend*

i apologize if you didn't enjoy this update :(

Anyway to clarify if anyone was confused : Calum found Michael in Luke's apartment and brought him to the hospital. If you have any other questions, don't be afraid to ask. I don't bite (unless I'm hungry)

On another hand haVE YOU GUYS HEARD FOUR!?! It leaked last Friday and it is so amazing wow.

I know how i want this to end already but idk what i want to happen in between so if you have any suggestions, PM me?

Also, idk what to call my fans on here. If I have any. If you have suggestions, comment please!

Uh, bye??

-Rhayne is cool peace out

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